Human emotions

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They say our human emotions never change, no matter what happens. They only intensify when you've been through a traumatic experience.

After visiting with Grammy, I had this intense anger, knowing I had been in a horrible accident, and they kept it from me. I know they had their reasons, but I also felt deceived. They told me it was just an accident, not to the point; I almost lost my life. These are my parents. Parents should be truthful with you.

I needed some space from them and everyone else. I went for a walk to clear my head. I wandered around until I came to a park next to the water. The same park my dad told me I would go many times.

I just walked. Something was calming about water. Looking around, I saw families and couples. At that moment, I felt alone. It's like a piece of me was missing.

I walked around more until I found myself at the bakery. I opened the door to a bell chiming, then heard a voice yell from the back. "Be right there!"

I walked in and looked around until I saw a woman emerge. The same woman that was here the other day.

I walked towards the counter, and she greeted me in a friendly tone. There was something about her that I felt drawn to with her. I couldn't place my finger on it, but it was a feeling I enjoyed.

"What brings you by the bakery?" The woman asked me with a smile.

"I had a fantastic day. I met my great-grandmother," I said.

She giggled when I mentioned Grammy, causing me to chuckle myself. It's weird, the anger I felt disappeared, the minute I was around the girl.

"I need to finish this order up in the back. Did you want to help me?" She asked as she thumbed towards the kitchen.

"I'm not sure how good of help I will be, but I can keep you company," I shrugged.

"Okay," she replied as a smile crept upon her lips. I followed her to the back and into the kitchen. "I'm Piper," she introduced herself.

"That's funny," I mentioned.

"What is?" She asked.

"That name keeps flashing in my mind," I answered as she looked at me, surprised.

We went into the area that she was working in to find a cake she was working on, but it didn't look too hot.

"Sorry if it looks bad, I'm not very good with decorating. Baking, yes. Decorating, no," Piper sighed.

"Mind if I help?" I asked her, taking her by surprise.

"Nope not at all," she said casually.

There was another cake not decorated, so I put on an apron and sat down. I started frosting the cake then picked up a bag of icing as I focused on the picture while decorating. As I worked, I didn't hear someone come into the bakery.

They stood with Piper as they watched while I decorated a cake. I paid attention to the intricate details as I continued to work until I finished. After I finished, I sat back and looked at it. I didn't know how I knew to do that.

"Wow," a deep husky voice said as I turned to see my dad standing there.

I got up quickly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get in the way," I spoke anxiously. I didn't want Piper to lose her job because I helped her.

He walked towards me. "It's okay." He looked at the cake. "It's amazing."

"It was fun," I shrugged as he turned and looked at me. "I mean, it's different but interesting. I don't want Piper to get into trouble. I mean, I'll go."

I removed my apron and started to leave when he stopped me. "Lex, it's fine. If you want to do this more often, your mom and I have no objections."

"Really?" I asked, looking at him curiously.

"Yeah," he said as a smile curled upon his lips.

"I'd like that and sorry about earlier," I sighed.

"Don't worry about it. We would tell you. We didn't want to upset you. Grammy beat us to the punch," he shrugged as I chuckled.

"She's interesting," I remarked.

"You do not understand," he sighed. "How about I make us all something to eat, and we can sit down and talk?" Dad asked.

"Okay," I replied.

Dad made some sandwiches, and we sat around a table in the back eating. I didn't realize how hungry I was. We also talked. He offered me time to work here, decorating, and working with Piper. I did not argue there. It would get me out of the house, and I could spend more time with her. Except, I noticed the engagement ring she wore. That bothered me.

Here I felt drawn to her, and she was engaged to someone else. I would need to keep my feelings and emotions in check. I had to keep it friendly. That would prove harder than expected.

After we ate, I hung around while Dad and Piper worked. They got busy, so I tried to help as much as possible, filling orders. Kain and Kaiden came by and helped. I didn't realize how busy the Gray Brothers bakery could get. It's like everyone flocked here.

The time flew until the last customer left, and Dad locked the door. We cleaned up, and I had to admit it felt good to be busy. I didn't have time to think about anything or try to remember my life before the accident.

"So, I see Piper is giving you the 'eye,'" Kain mentioned as I swept the floor.

I stopped and looked at him, "Considering she's engaged, I doubt it."

"Maybe it's not what you think," Kaiden shrugged.

I looked at both of them, then went back to sweeping. "It doesn't matter. I refuse to break up someone. Plus, I don't know Piper that well."

"Then maybe you should," Kain suggested.

What was with these two? Why would they even suggest something like that? Do they have no shame? My guess would be a big fat no.

"I'm just happy to be doing something productive, other than staring at four walls and having people asking me about things I don't remember," I told them as I finished sweeping.

"True because it sucks to have people that love you, wanting you to remember who the hell they are," Kain snapped before walking away.

"What the hell is his problem?" I asked Kaiden.

He sighed and looked at me. "It's been hard on everyone, especially Kain and my dad."

I looked at him.

"They took it hard because how close Dad is to Uncle Nash and Kain was to you. I mean, we were close but not as close as you two were. Both came to see you every day, along with everyone else, including your sisters. Lyric even refused to go on her honeymoon because of it," he explained to me.

"I hate knowing everyone went through this, but I hate not remembering even more. I remember nothing, and I don't think I will," I told Kaiden.

"You don't remember a little?" He looked at me a bit surprised.

"No, all I remember is waking up and seeing a bunch of unfamiliar faces. Then when they would push me, it just made me more frustrated. How am I supposed to remember them when I don't even remember who I am?" I asked him. He had no answer to that. None of them did except Grammy.

I would love to remember them, but I never would. All I could do was moving on with my life. But first, I needed to speak to someone.

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