Chapter 10

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                                                             Shiki pov

I teleported to the field me and Kou were just in before Reiji ruined my mood i sit indian style then let out a huff and lay on my back looking at the sky seeing that the stars are just coming out "sigh stupid Reiji" i mumbled as i hand my hands locked behind my head i slowly feel my eyes close ah peace and quiet i thought as i enjoy the quiet then i hear someone walking up to me "sigh there goes my peace and quiet" i said i slowly open my eyes and see "Kou what are you doing here" i asked he just shrugged "you" he said "enjoying the peace" i said he laughed and sat next to me "i can see why you come here a lot" he said i  look at him "you wanna talk about it" i said he sighed "was it that obvious" he said i just shrugged "Yuma told Ruki that i was hanging out with a Sakamaki and he lost it" he said  i smirked "oh am i that bad of an influence" i said i see him turn red "or is it the family name" i asked he nodded "sigh" i sit up "you should tell your brothers its not nice to judge someone before you get to know them" i said he looked at me "I'm normally just the quiet one or lazy one as my brother Reiji says to me and my twin so I'm not that bad i mainly keep to myself" i said "so whats so bad about that" i asked laying back down "i just recently started drinking blood as you know" i said "but other than that i don't really cause trouble" i said closing my eyes "Shiki" he said i opened my eye to see him hovering over me "why do you talk to me knowing that i was turned not born a vampire"he said  "sigh" i look at him "to me it doesn't matter if you were turned or born it's how you are how you talk to others or treat others true i don't like humans but that's a different story" i said "but you you've been hurt" i said "you know what pain is" i said to him "which means you don't like to cause others pain" i said looking him deep in the eyes "so to answer your question it doesn't matter to me if you were turned or born a vampire it's how are as a vampire that matters to me" i said "like right now i can see the concern in your eyes" i said he blushed "so don't worry i like you Kou which is rare i don't really talk to anyone" i said "except my twin" i shrug he smiled down at me "thanks Shiki" he said i nodded then we hear foot steps "Kou" i hear one of them say "Ruki" he said i see his brothers surrounding me "boys" i said closing my eyes "we want you to stop hanging around our brother" Ruki said i arch my brow "now boys I'm sure Kou is old enough to make his own decisions" i said i see Ruki and Yuma look at each other "just so were on the same page here your just upset he is around me because I'm a Sakamaki" i arched my brow "yes" Ruki said i stood up "you know you hate vampires like my family because of how we are but here you are acting the same way" i said to him blankly "so my question is for you how can you forbid someone from seeing each other when you have no idea how that person is since you don't even know them individually" i said looking at them with a blank expression Ruki's eyes got wide "that's what i thought I'll see you boys at school" i said teleporting home to get ready from school 

                                     Third person pov

"Whoa she just schooled you Ruki" Yuma said "that she did" Ruki said smirking "how about that a Sakamaki that doesn't act like they are better than all vampires" Ruki said "" Azusa said "now you see why i hang out with her!" Kou said they all nod "this should be interesting" Ruki said "now lets get ready for school"

                                       Shiki pov

we get to school i walk through the halls up to the roof i lay down on my back i never do go to class I'm passing anyway just because i don't go doesn't mean I'm not smart i thought as i started to fall asleep i let sleep take me until "S-Shiki what are y-you doing?" the blood bag asked "i thought you'd learn your lesson from what happened last time" i said glaring at her she flinched" i just-" she said  "don't" i said "get out of here before i drain you dry" i said glaring at her she then ran out i let out a sigh of relief "you know keep talking to her like that you'll make her wet herself" i heard Kou laugh i just shrug he lays next to me "i need to tell you something" he said i arched my brow 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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