Chapter 2 (school)

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                                     Chapter 2 (School)

shiki's pov

sigh i go up to my room in my bathroom and fall asleep in the tub I'm sleeping until i hear my name being called i just ignore it at first then i get shook i open my one eye hey blood bag what do you want she replies reiji sent me to tell you its time to go to school fine i get up then it hits my nose blood CRAP i think oh i guess i should have mentioned this earlier but iv never had a drop of blood but little did i know that all was about to change GET OUT i yelled and she ran my knees fall to the floor and I'm holding my throat heaving ok deep breaths shiki deep breaths oh ya my brothers don't know about it either it would just worry them anyway especially shuu i get up then shuu comes bursting in my room can i help you i said he says are you ok i felt like you were in pain i go its nothing I'm fine he looks at me for a second then says ok then leaves man that was close i think as I'm getting dressed

yui pov

reiji told me to tell shiki to get ready for school but I'm not so sure about this she scares me more than any of the boys sigh well now or never i knock shiki i slowly open the door shiki i say again then i enter the bathroom i guess her and shuu are twins they pretty much sleep anywhere i look in her eyes there scary they have a very strong hunger about them then she yells iv never ran so fast in my life then i see reiji did you tell her yya i say good he says

shuu pov

i was sleeping on the couch listening to everyone take then i seen yui run into the living room scared half to death i didn't really care until i felt it i guess you could call it the twin bond you can pretty much feel each others emotions i shot up and ran out the room then i seen you stumble up i can tell she's hiding something from me but what as i go back to the living room everyone asked what that was about i said nothing

time skip

shiki pov

i exit the limo and start to walk down the hallway with my headphone in one ear as i turn the corner i bump into someone ruki mukami the mukamis were kinda like us but they were turned we were born vampires any way he glares at me and i glare back and say watch were your going and keep walking I'm sitting in class and fall asleep then i feel eyes on my i look to see kou sigh now him i close my eyes again i went to the roof after class lay on my back as I'm looking at the full moon why the heck do i feel so anxious like I'm about to lose control what the heck is going on so this is where you are i turn around to see shuu ya i said he lays down next to me you ok he say i say i don't know he cocks his head to the side what do you mean i say i don't know but i feel very anxious hmmm he says then we both fall asleep i wake up too see him gone the i get up and leave when i see another student bullying yui about to punch her if she gets hurt ill never hear the end of it i catch her fist and tell yui to go to the limo and she runs i say your not very nice i don't know what happened i lost control and bit her neck and drank her blood i couldn't stop till shuu pulled me off i looked at him and said sorry and teleported to my spot when I'm upset its a beautiful meadow with a giant cheery blossom tree in the middle i sat in the tree saying what the hell happened too me i never lose control i start to cry

Shuu pov

iv been sleeping in the music room when i felt something i felt very upset something is wrong i need to check on my sister i looked everywhere in this dam school i asked my siblings to help find her nope not there not here either negative nope finally i find her on the roof looking at the moon sighing i feel really anxious she says i wonder why I'm thinking well i fell asleep i better go before reiji lectures me again I'm waiting at the limo with my siblings when yui comes running in a panic its shiki she's really mad and this girl i don't know whats gonna happen we all went to the roof seeing shiki sucking the life out of this girl this isn't like her all of our eyes go wide i had to pull her off she looked at me and my brothers with a very sad look and said sorry and teleported what has gotten into her I'm thinking

reiji pov

iv never expected her to lose control like this something must be wrong i take the girl to the nurse and give her a medicine to forget about what just happened then we all go home because that where i figured shed go but she's no where to be found where the hell is she

(sorry for stopping in the middle but more to come)

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