Chapter 13

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A/N: POVs end here! I'll start writing in third person point of view as I did in the first chapters. I suck at POVs to be honest T^T. And, I figured that putting these author notes in the beginning of the chapter is a far more good idea than placing it at the end. We don't want you to lose your feels don't we ;D

Unedited btw :')

Read on!!

"5 to the west! 5 to the north! The rest to the east and my team will take the southern part of our territory. Now move!!" Azrael boldly commanded the warriors.

He is in a bad state, emotionally and physically. Their Alpha has not gained consciousness ever since the day they had a fight with the Shadow's descendant and it's been three days since. He admits, they had underestimated him and did not fully calculate his strength. But now, they know better than to underestimate such an enemy.

The memory is still clear as crystal to him. The way he sends all of their elite warriors flying deep in the forest and their Alpha, it was indescribable. Or rather not mentioned at all. He'd rather forget how he beats dozens and dozens of trained elites, including the Alpha of the strongest pack of all four continents by himself.

They've been a total fool. And the victorious feel they get when they beat him up to pulp that day just went poof to thin air. If they can beat him, it's because he let them to. Not because they are capable to do so.

Azrael was furious. And he's sure that this news will travel its way to all the packs in all four continents. Soon, the Alpha of these packs will take action because the threat is far way bigger than anything they ever encountered.

For sure, Erebus is going to join forces with them. Or rather, lead the force.

He's dangerous, and they know what to do with danger. Eliminate him, once and for all.

Their pack is now in chaos, others grieve because their Alpha is currently stuck in bed for three days straight and the other, grieve because their beloved Alpha's sister was kidnapped by the strange man.

Azrael had cursed himself for days since the fight but did not let his spirit dies down to take the lead. He has responsibilities, and he is determined to fulfil it.

He is not going to repeat the same mistake, he thought.

The warriors scattered to follow the path they are commanded to go. They are in a mission to find their Alpha's sister. The one person that can guarantee their life, the one person that can assure their Alpha's safety and wellbeing. They are not willing for the pack to fall because their Alpha could not get over the grieve of losing the only family he has left, they, also have their mates and families to think of.

Of course, apart from knowing the things that their Alpha went through, they just wanted to survive. To survive the physical war, as well as the inevitable emotional war.

Meanwhile, Anderson, the hidden gem of Erebus Pack, a sorcerer, try his best to heal the Alpha without anyone knowing that he is the one that works the magic of bringing the Alpha to open his eyes.

The Alpha, as mentioned, has opened his eyes after being unconscious for days and the first thing that he wants to know is the whereabouts of his beloved sister. The one and the only family he has left. He can't have her leaving him too, just like the rest of their family members. He could not afford the misery that follows after losing someone. He knows it all too well. 

Shane then closed his eyes and whispers softly to the extent of his own hearing.

Be safe

Shane crossed his hands over his broad chest and make his way to the place Anderson usually works. 

Anderson, on the other hand, is currently checking on his senses of Elska's location when Shane entered his potion chambers.

"Got any clue yet?" Shane spoke.

Anderson turned his head around to see him, already fully healed, with his body leaning on the wall beside the door. A cold expression seems to be his favourite mask to wear ever since his sister was kidnapped.

"Not as of yet," 

After that, Anderson returned to continue where he left off of his work.

"How long has it been? I don't remember you being this incapable of doing such a simple task, Anderson," Shane spoke. He is fuming but he keeps his calm demeanour.

Being an Alpha, he has to stay calm all the time and act rationally as he sees fits.

"I know right," Anderson jokes.

"For real Anderson, I need to know where she is. You know how important my sister is to me. I can't lose her too,"

"I know, Shane. I know,"

"Then, do your job properly!" Shane bangs the door as he leaves Anderson in his potion chamber.

The door to the chamber closed with a loud bang and the Alpha's wolf took control of his body, running to only god knows where.

"That's why I'm doing this. For your sake and everyone else,"

Anderson whispers when he is sure that Shane is out of hearing aptitudes.

Having returned his focus on where he left off, Anderson waves his hand in front of a medium sized bowl that is placed under his lap. He crouched his back further in his chair. Inside the bowl is a blurry reflection of a scene he's been waiting for his whole life. A smile carved its way to his dull expression. A sincere one.

Anderson thinks to himself that, finally, fate is beginning to unfold and the people that he wants their destiny to be intertwined is going to be fulfilled. He knows that his trick in the forest which he disguised himself as the man with silver hair and vanished in front of her will show its worth.

Proven, he's seeing it now. The scene he wanted to desperately see.

Of them realizing that they are meant to be together for the sake of everyone else.

Including his. 

His smile broadened. He could not wait any longer for what's to come next. He knows it is risky and dangerous to tamper with a fixed destiny, but, he will deal with the aftermath later. 

He had his fair share of pain and has had enough with it. What's the use of a magnificent power when you have to abide by fate that has no rule at all? 

Even rules are meant to be broken.

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