"Ella!" Dean objects, "We're eating!"

"That's not all. If you touched the bottom, there were body parts." Ella claps.

"Oh, come on..." Dean looks at his pancakes before taking another bite while Sam clutched his stomach.

"Yeah. Oh, and on top of that-"

"Enough!" Sam snaps, "I'm going to puke."

"What about you, Cas? You want to come on a hunt with your ol' pals?" Ella winked.

"Why are you winking?" Cas asks, ignoring the question.

"Why wouldn't I wink?" Ella rolls her eyes, "I wink, get over it, you boring tax accountant." Sam chokes on his toast and Ella's phone begins to ring. She digs it out of her pocket and answers it, stopping Inside Out by Eve6. "Yeah?"

"Ella?" A quiet voice leaks from the telephone.

"Holy crap, Izzy?" Ella pulls out the chair next to Sam and sits in it side ways, swinging her legs over the side, "How in the actual hell did you get my number?"

"Ella, where are you?" Isabelle sounded panicked, "Oh, please, where are you?"

"Ella, I can't tell you, you know that." Ella said in a gentle tone, doing everything she could to calm down the angel girl.

"Please, Ella." A sob is hear over the phone, "They know I'm conspiring with you. Ella, please."

"Dammit, Isabelle, you're goddamn Angel how the hell am I supposed to trust you?" Ella sighs, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Ella, they're going to find me soon!" Ella had to pull the phone away from her ear so she won't hear the horrible, choking sobs coming from the other end, "I don't want to-" The conversation cuts out to nothingness.

"Isabelle?" Ella widens her eyes, "Izzy? Iz? Isabelle? Isabelle answer me!" She rips the phone away from her ear and desperately calls back to the nnumber, only to receive no answer. "Dammit!" Ella throws her phone at the wall. It shatters on impact as she rest her was against the table, fighting tears. "I should've told her where we are."

"It could've been anybody." Sam rests his hand against her back.

"It's could've been her. You didn't... You didn't hear her sobbing." Ella lifts her head up, panic overwhelming her voice, "What if I just killed the last made angel? What if I just killed the next god?" Cas flinches at the word God, but not one person notices.

"Calm down." Sam mutters, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"That was Isabelle! I knew Izzy! Cas, that was your sister!" Ella's panic an hurt turns into anger, "She could be dead... or worse." Sam fought the urge to say 'expelled'.

"They wouldn't kill her. Not for aiding and abetting a criminal. She'll be punished servilely, yes, but not killed." Cas points out.

"I am not a criminal, you wet crouton." Ella seethes.

"Okay, Ella, stop spending so much time on tumblr." Dean sighs, "And you did kill an angel. Imagine if someone killed Sam or I."

"You mean like Adam?" Ella raises her eyebrows, "Yeah, I hacked into Chucks files and stole all his work, released them on the internet. So maybe practice what you preach, douche nozzle."

"Oh my god, Adam." Sam whispers, a horrified look in his face.

"So, yeah." Ella tensed up, "I was attacked. I killed my attacker. But that's not the point. Iz is the point. The fact that I could've probably saved her-" Ella sizzles back down to sadness and slumps back into the chair, "I basically just ruined her life by saying hello."

"Welcome to the family." Dean muttered.

"I need some air." Ella stood up and walked up to the door, pulling on a hoodie and leaving the bunker with not shoes on. She slammed her back against the wall an slid down in, ignoring the gravel digging itself into her feet.

I'm a horrible human being. Ella thought, god, I just killed another Angel. A goddamn Angel. I'm a screw up. I break everything I touch. Just like daddy said, I'm nothing but a burden to everyone. I'm horrible.

With every thought, a part of Ella died. She was overpowered with guilt as tears soaked her cheeks. She liked Isabelle and the thought of her friend being tortured because of her...

"Ella?" The door creaked open and Sam walked out. He looked to his left, where Ella was sitting, her forehead resting on her knees as she sobbed. "Ella, it's not your fault." He says down next to her and pulled her into a hug and kissed her on her head, rubbing her back.

"It is." Ella cries, "She's probably in so much pain."

"Ella, it could be a trap." Sam whispers, "It could be leading you to Denver-"

"How do you know it's in Denver?" Ella looked up. Sam blushes, turning his head slightly so he doesn't look in her eyes. "We need to go!"

"Dammit, I wasn't going to tell you." Sam scowls, "You were recording the conversation. I tracked it to Denver." Ella stood up, wiping the tears off her face.

"I knew setting my phone to record my conversations would pay off." Ella mumbles, "I'm going."

"Ella, no." Sam stands, towering over her, "You're not it could be a trap."


"No." Sam takes her back inside, thinking it was the end of it.

~later that night~

The door to the bunker slammed, waking everyone inside. Dean was first to jump out of bed, as he was watching TV and researching how to get Angels back in heaven.

"Ella!" Sam shouts, opening her bedroom door. It was empty. He groans, running up to the door and finding a sticky not.

"Read it!" Dean shouts, walking into the room with Cas.

"Dear boys, I'm not being kidnapped so lay your wear heads to rest and stop worrying. I'll be back in a few days. Carry on as though I'm here, my loves. Later losers." Sam reads, "Love Elle.l

"Son of a..." Dean closes his eyes, "We got played."

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