May Seventeenth

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Sam's limp body falls to the ground as Ella watches, shouting at him to wake up. Dean is still fighting off Metatrons cronies in attempt to save his family. Hannah is covering Cas with her whole body, screaming at their siblings to just listen for once. It couldn't be like this. This... no. This wasn't how everything would end. Ever.

~May Sixteenth~

It's not like they hadn't wanted to go to Florida, it's sandy beaches and non-stop sun, it's that they didn't want to go back and deal with the winged dick-heads. ("No offense, Hannah." Dean had said. "No no, you're right. Metatron had his delivery boy steal my diary when I was nine-hundred." She had replied, "That dick.")

"We'll get through this, you know." Ella mumbles to Sam from the back Seat in the Impala, her legs stretched out on Ella and he head resting on Sam's lap, "I mean, Angles are pretty damn risky, but we'll find a way to convince them to stop being assholes."

"I know." Sam sighed, "I know."

"You promised not to worry." She accuses, noticing the spike of fear in his eyes, "Come on, Sammy. We'll be fine."

"Of course we'll be fine." Sam said under his breath, "We have to be."

Luckily, no one heard him. But if someone did, they wouldn't object.

Dean checked his stereo for the time, passing the sign that said they had reacher their destination.

"Guys, it's two am. Let's find a crash pad." He suggested.

"I vote old abandoned house." Ella says, "More rooms, less credit card scamming, you know, safer."

"Deal." Sam and Dean say in unisons, the imapala turning down an empty road. They pull up to an old mansion with no keep out signs or fences. The windows were boarded up, but other than that, it was perfect.

"Let's get some sleep." Sam yawned, pushing the car door open. Mazie shook a sleeping Isabelle awake, sitting up.

"We're crashing here for the night." Ella whispered, "come on, let's get your stuff inside."

"I don't own anything." Isabelle sighed, unbuckling her seat belt, "But I'll help carry stuff in."

"We'll go shopping soon." Ella promised, "I'll just... I'll just go to the bar and play poker with some pervs that think a pretty young thing can't play for Jack."

"Thank you." Isabelle crawls out of the car, but freezes once out. She turns around, and grabs on to Deans shirt, "I don't feel good about this place," She says in an urgent whisper, "I thinks it's a trap."

"Izzy, you're tired and I think you've been on earth too long. You're experiencing human emotions." Dean said gently, "When we get inside, I'll set up some places to sleep. Don't worry."

"Okay." Isabelle nodded, "I believe you." She let's go of Deans shirt, unable to shake the weird feeling.

~May Seventeenth~

Isabelle glares at Dean, angry at him for convincing her it wasn't really a trap. Angry at herself for believing him.

"Please, brothers, you can't really believe that I'm rebelling because I hate my father?" Isabelle shouts, "He would be ashamed to see all of you! You're all disgusting and selfish. I'm horrified to be related to you."

"You're a traitor!" Someone calls.

"You're a dick!" Ella screams, looking over her shoulder from Sammy for a moment, "She's trying to save your lives, you ever loving self centered douche!"

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