Oh shit Koala

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It was a normal day at the second oldest Weasleys house. Papers lay scattered on the ground, music was playing softly as Charlie Weasley paced across the room. His older brother and younger siblings sat in the living room with their kids. Bill the oldest Weasley looks at Charlie "why don't you adopt?" He suggests "-You won't be lonely while we're all here with children. You also don't need to have a partner" he adds on quickly.

Charlie looks up quickly "as a matter of fact I am actually in a relationship" he states coldly.

"Charlie... Animals aren't a girlfriend" George said sighing

"Never said I was in a straight relationship," he said walking off to the kitchen getting a drink of Irn Bru.

"And Charlie- crying over a dead person isn't a relationship," said Rosie, a girl with bright blue hair and a small side nose piercing.

"I have a late shift tonight," Charlie said "there's a pregnant Koala due any day now," he said drinking his drink before putting the glass in the sink. His youngest niece, Lucy walked over to him slowly

"you know how you love me?" She asks looking at Charlie playing with her hair hopefully.

"Sweetie, you have no chance-" Bill said looking at Lucy "he loves nothing and no one"  he states.

"Can you take me and Molly to see the animals tonight?" Lucy said ignoring Bill a small smile on her face.

"Uh, sure you can all come to see what its like at night." He said lightly turning to Lily Luna, the daughter of his only sister "it'd be good for you Lily, that is if you still want to become a vet" he said gently


As the day started turning into the night the Weasleys and their children started to walk down to the nearby zoo where Charlie worked. As the large family walked into the zoo area Charlie signed in for the night. A short figure stood in front of the koala exhibit where the pregnant koala was in the corner. This was the figure of Elizabeth North. Her light brown hair was blowing ever so slightly in the light breeze and her green eyes had a sparkle of excitement. She turned around to Charlie and the rest of the family, "we should take her inside, she's shivering", she said calmly. A work employee turns to Elizabeth sighing "how? We tried moving her last week and she went a little-" he said

Charlie turns to the two work members bickering "only another way is to separate the other Koalas from the pregnant one" he said looking at Elizabeth for a moment too long. Before walking to the door unlocking the cage "Marc, you stay with her me and Liz will take the other koalas to the other cage" Charlie said giving a small wink at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth winked back and started on the task of gathering the koalas.
Charlie follows Elizabeth with some baby koalas and placing them in a small cage "I'm sorry about my family" he starts feeling slightly awkward having never been in a proper relationship before. "-They're determined to get me to adopt a child so I'm not out here alone," he said sighing.

Elizabeth turns to Charlie signing "then why don't we?" she questioned. "Tell them about us, and convince them to adopt someone too so you're not alone in adopting a child," she said relaxing slightly. "Wait a bit yeah?" he suggests "at least wait till after the Koala has given birth," he said sighing "I'm just... I'm not ready to be a dad." he said

"If not now when? If not us who? Who can protect children better than us?" she said coldly before walking off.


A few months had passed Charlie and Elizabeth had come to the conclusion that they will adopt a child but only if all of Charlie's siblings adopted at least one child so they're all safe and sound. Here they all were cramped into a small tiny room talking about adopting a child. A female with blonde hair crystal blue eyes walks in to the small room "Hello my name is Divina Shakleton. So witch of you would like to adopt first?" She asks gently.

"Charlie and Elizabeth" Percy said looking at Charlie for a split second

It wasn't long before everyone had adopted atleast one child.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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