Siren's Song

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Desolation awaits upon the surface of this sea,

vast and void of that which I desire most.

Where is your breath upon this barren place?

Let loose your song and fill my sails.

Set forth my path and light my way.

If I be lost, let me be lost withIn your love.

If I be found, may I be found by you.

Alone, I am set adrift upon this lifeless desert,

cast astray in the company of utter solitude.

The howls of silence ring a deafening tone,

thrusting my mind into the depths of hell.

Oh where, my siren, is your song?

Let forth your voice with angelic hymns.

Call out to me once more,

that I may find reprieve in the arms of your melody.

You, most majestic of the sea,

You alone, do hold my heart.

Cast it not into the depths,

Deny it not what it most longs for.

To hear you voice once more, would turn these endless waves to paradise.

Sing to me, Oh lady of the depths.

Sing to me once more...

Wait, is that you I hear upon the breeze?

Do you call to me, my love?

I see you there beneath the waves,

Yet, unattainable you remain.

For I am a creature of above,

You, the beauty of below.

Do I dare to join you where you are,

Or hold tight to the safety of my barren life?

No, I choose not live this life alone!

I'd rather die a thousand deaths within the embrace of your melody,

Than to live another minute, another second in this void I call life.

I plunge myself into your realm, into my love.

Beneath the waves I feel weightless,

Floating endless in the arms of every note.

I see your eyes, staring up at me from below.

I dive unto my end.

As the air with my lungs expels, my torturous solitude does meet its end.

I feel peace within the waves, as this life begins to fade,

Fearing not what comes next, nor holding on to what was before.

All that matters, is you called to me once more.

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