"that's the boys' home bullshit you had to go through or something?" reyna spoke aloud everyone looking to her, with a hidden smirk, giggle or even laugh. she was pushing master lin's patience. "i'm offering a chance to harness that fire inside you. to master the deadly arts." master lin's posture remained the same despite marcus moving. "the deadly arts yeah. that uh- sounds great." marcus grabbed his back standing up.

"you know this all seems normal and sane, and y'all look like a great bunch, but, uh.. whatever this is." marcus walked around master lin, pushing into willie as he walked out and picking up reyna's drink from the table and walking out. "later days." he turned to willie. everyone looked around the room. "that son of bitch stole my wallet." willie patted himself down feeling the normal lump in his pocket missing.

"and my drink." reyna pouted. "from the diner that you didn't pay for. it's fifty cents for fountain drinks and a dollar for the burgers you get for lunch every day. you get another one without paying it's detention." master lin revealed her little secret as she awkwardly scratched her head as he got up looking to saya before he left. "your work here isn't done." lin made note to saya before leaving the room.

reyna sat in the back room across from willie with her school books open and headphones in, as they waited for saya and marcus to return. "you think saya is going to force him to come back?" billy broke the silence in the room. it was a good question, the ink covered girl was always aggressive when it came to her task but this time, it was a person. a person she watched for weeks out of her free time to 'make sure he was doing fine' before he even became a pledge. reyna looked to maria to answer but she just shrugged as she painted her nails. "no, she's going to talk him into coming back. he's not a violent person from what i have seen." reyna answered honestly. willie only chuckled thinking about it.

"like how chico had to force you to come here?" willie heckled thinking about how this was reyna a year ago, how she was stubborn like marcus but instead she took the violent route and head budded master lin. "i thought my brother was in a cult or something. and to be fair, i didn't really have home training." because of that head-bud reyna's rep was high up before being known as spooky's half sister.

"if he's not violent, why would he burn down a boys' home full of little boys?" billy questioned wanting to know the knowledge behind reyna's thinking. reyna finished writing her final words in her notebook before closing it, turning her chair to billy that stood behind her. "because he is troubled if you can't see, maybe he was bullied to the point. you know boys' home aren't luxurious. and if he rather be homeless than in that boys' home there was some fucked up shit going on in there." reyna was never a dumb girl when it came to reading people. "and based on his viking comments grown ass men were involved with kids, maybe he thought he was doing them justice or something." she shrugged stopping her tape.

"or maybe he's just fucked up, silent but deadly. hits you where it hurts." maria challenged the girl's thinking only to make her groan as she took off her headphones turning back around shrugging looking beside her to maria. "maybe." the boys sensed the somewhat tension between the girls and met each other's smirk. the sound of a motorcycle was outside, reyna looked at the clock impressed that it only took about thirty minutes to find him. "well isn't that a record time." maria commented as the boys left the room. reyna smirked opening her school books once more.

"twenty bucks that he's bruised up." maria didn't look from her nails. reyna looked up from her books with a huge smirk. "i'll take that action." she was quick to agree with a huge grin on her face. "the rest of the rules are simple." the girls heard saya's voice coming closer to them reyna looked back down to her book trying to act casual. "no disobedience, no drugs and no sex." the plastics had sounded and in came saya first with a perfectly fine marcus. maria sighed snapping her fingers together knowing she lost on twenty dollars.

"we find ways around the last one." maria twirled her hair with her good dry hand, looking to marcus with a smile. reyna almost gushed when she saw marcus' clear face knowing she had won the bet. "hopefully not in here." marcus looked around, noticing the meat hanging. reyna just looked up from her book. "hey, where's my drink?" she questioned the boy getting up to feet, she stood a little bit taller than marcus. he made note that she was about an inch taller than him.

"i got thirsty, besides you wouldn't take it back anyway. homeless don't have the best hygiene." marcus confessed, earning a chuckle from reyna, she nodded her head and finally meeting his eyes. "touche." she declared.

marcus looked around to everyone, noticing they had changed clothes to what it seemed like matching uniforms. his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "what is this?" everyone's face went straight when the door clicked, and creaked open. the hooded monk walked into the room. everyone looking to him. saya turning to marcus tilting her head slightly.

"welcome to the king's dominion." saya was the last person to say anything. marcus turned to everyone seeing how serious they were, he followed the cloaked man outside in the pouring rain.

once the door closed everyone's act was lost as working together. reyna closed her school book and journal. billy picked up his board and maria picked up her nail polish giving her nails one final blow before getting up from her seat. "see you guys tomorrow, same time?" billy tried to make a joke and everyone just looked at him for a mere second before separating.

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