"Getting it up," you supplied. He grinned and the rest of the team laughed.

"Yes, that one. Quite impressive and I shall not be asking how and why you learned that particular spell,"

"Wise decision," you replied and leaned up to kiss his cheek. He kissed the top of your head in reply.

"You can do that?" one of the guys asked incredulously, staring at the mummified man in disbelief. "Ma'am?" he added quickly, before anyone could be offended. You inclined your head. He whistled, impressed. You finished your coffee and vanished the mug.

One of the agents woke you from your doze by coming too close to where you were curled up with Loki. A dagger was in your hand as you startled awake. Loki was smiling as he took the dagger from you and vanished it. He was pleased that your automatic response was to protect you both.

It was a kid, someone who looked like a new agent who had come over to bother you. "Um... Mr. Laufeyson, sir..." he started. Poor kid. Loki could be intimidating even when he wasn't trying. He was definitely going to be trying when they sent this kid to be slaughtered by Loki.

"Yes?" he asked, his tone polite, but bored as he looked up from his book. You knew that overly polite look on his face. This kid needed to be super careful to avoid being killed, or worse.

The kid held up a pair of shackles with a short chain in between. "Sir, it's the rules-" the kid said desperately. Ah, they were trusting that Loki wouldn't kill a kid who was following orders. That was dumb.

Especially when you snarled and had a dagger to the kid's throat a moment later. "Darling, do not kill the child on my account," Loki told you calmly, returning to his book unconcerned.

"Fine," you held out your hand and Mjolnir came flying to it. "I'll just knock him out a little instead,"

"Is anyone brave enough to tell her it's the rules?" Tony asked casually from across the jet.

"I... don't think that will help," Bruce replied, watching the scene helplessly.

"What rules?" you demanded of the room at large.

"They believe I am dangerous and need to have my powers bound and that I must be shackled to hinder my fighting ability while I am onboard their precious Helicarrier," Loki answered without looking up from his book. He flipped the page absently.

"Well that's just stupid. It's been over a year since he's lived here and I'm not letting you shackle him without better reason than 'it's the rules'," you told them, keeping yourself firmly planted between Loki and the kid with the shackles. He looked to his superior.

"Nat, call Fury," Cap ordered, seeing that the stalemate wasn't going to end. Nat spoke with Fury briefly.

"He's willing to compromise to just binding Loki's powers," Nat finally answered. You glared. That wasn't good enough. "He said otherwise Loki is spending the entire time in one of the containment cells."

Loki touched your arm. "The game is over, darling. That's the best you're going to get out of them,"

"It's not fair," you protested. He chuckled.

"Of course it isn't. Very little in life is actually fair, witchling. You should know that as well as I, but we can play nice with the SHIELD agents, so next time we have to visit they won't be so irrational," Loki replied logically. You leaned down to kiss him.

"Are you sure?" you asked, hating that they were doing this to him.

"Yes, love. It will be fine. You'll just have to protect me from the mean SHIELD agents," he teased. You laughed and kissed him again. You tossed Mjolnir back to Thor and settled back in your seat, curling back into Loki's arms, laying your head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head. Tony pressed a few buttons on his phone and there was a resounding beep from the tech on Loki's wrist.

You leaned up to Loki's ear. "I still have the key," you whispered so softly that only he could possibly hear. He smirked at you.

"Of course you do, witchling. See? We can play along, for a little while," he replied and kissed you. You summoned him a cup of tea and curled back up with him, closing your eyes.

"Why is it the tiniest most adorable member of the team is also the most terrifying?" one of the agents asked softly awhile later when he assumed you were asleep.

"I'm glad you noticed I'm terrifying," Nat replied loudly. You snorted a laugh. "And she fights for what she believes in, which unfortunately for you is often Loki. Otherwise she's an annoyingly self-sacrificing healer,"

"Hey!" you protested.

"It's true," the rest of the team agreed. You grumbled at them all and stuck your tongue out at Nat, which just made them laugh all the harder.

"All healers are that way, witchling," Loki told you kindly and kissed you before you could protest.

Loki and the WitchlingWhere stories live. Discover now