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Unfortunately they were too late, the door was already closed and Taehyung panicked. "I told you we should hurry dad, what are we going to do now? It's so embarrassing, all eyes will be on us." He was sweating now, hated such attention.

"Calm down, take my arm and let's go." His father was showing him his arm and he held on it tightly.

As soon as they entered the hall, the music started to play. Taehyung panicked even more, was sure that they thought the bride would come but they were so wrong.

His dad didn't react, kept walking with Taehyung next to him. They didn't stop, walked past his brother and Jeongguk's.

Why were they smiling so widely, what was going on? "We should sit down now." Taehyung whispered but the older man ignored him.

He saw Jeongguk standing in front of the pastor with a smile even wider than his brother's. Then it clicked in Taehyung's head.

He's going to be the one who'll get married to Jeongguk. Was this a dream? If so, he didn't want to wake up. Taehyung smiled at his lover and when they had reached him, he leaned in to kiss the prince.

"Not yet son, wait till the pastor says it." The King of the ocean chuckled, then looked at Jeongguk. "Make him happy Jeongguk." He gave Taehyung's hand to him.

"I will, don't worry Mister Kim." He bit his lower lip and looked at a more or less red faced Taehyung.

"Dad, call me dad now, Jeongguk." He left after saying it and sat down next to Jeongguk's father.

"You knew?" Taehyung whispered to the younger.

"Not until one hour before the wedding, I heard my brother talking to Yoongi." He giggled but got interrupted by the pastor.

The wedding started with a speech from the elder, then music played and the guests said some prayers.

Since Taehyung and Jeongguk didn't know they'd get married to each other, they didn't have a vow prepared but they told each other how much the other means to them. The pastor got impatient because it took way too long. He cleared his throat and when they ended their speeches, he was about to say that they could kiss but Taehyung was faster.

Their lips met, moved passionately in front of everyone. A few reporters were there too, taking many pictures of this exact moment.

Taehyung still couldn't believe that it wasn't a dream but when Jeongguk bit his lower lip, he felt the pain and finally believed it.

"I love you babe." Jeongguk, his husband, whispered and Taehyung said it back. "I love you bun." Their foreheads touched while they had their eyes closed.

The pair left - after signing the wedding papers - hand in hand with cheers from their guests.

Both of them were still curious why their families didn't tell them earlier, they let them suffer and cry.

The party was in another big hall and it was decorated really pretty in white and turquoise, the same color as Taehyung's fin.

"Wow, who made it?" Taehyung asked but Jeongguk didn't know either.

The party was great, Namjoon and Seokjin got to know each other and the married couple hoped that they'd start dating soon.

Taehyung went to his dad, asked what he wanted to know so badly. "Why didn't you tell me? You knew how much we liked each other."

"When his father and I had made a contract back then, we promised to keep it a secret until the end. We didn't know that you both would fall in love, we also were concerned because all of our children were boys. The possibility you both would be gay was like ten percent or I don't know how much."

"Haha dad, look how wrong you both were. I'm one hundred and Gguk percent gay." Taehyung laughed, the King shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Yes you are and I'm really happy. Imagine if Namjoon would still have been the crown prince, it was all fate Taehyungie." He was right, Taehyung hadn't thought of that.

Jeongguk had secretly listened to their conversation and couldn't be happier, Mister Kim was right, what if Jeongguk wouldn't have been the future King? There were things in this world, he couldn't explain but he was sure that it meant something.

"Hey babe, do you think they'd be mad if we leave now?" Jeongguk was right behind Taehyung when he whispered into his ear. Taehyung got goose bumps when his breath hit his skin.

"Hey dad, I think we will go now. Will it be okay? We are tired and um, you know." He wanted to be alone with Jeongguk and his father nodded. "Go, have fun boys."

They left and their brothers looked at each other. "Already?" They said at the same time, laughing.

"Maybe they finally want to continue what I have disturbed a few days ago." Namjoon winked at Seokjin whose jaw dropped.

"What do you mean?" He wanted to know everything.

"Well, I was searching for Gguk and saw his car in a parking lot in front of a cinema. At first I wanted to walk away but then I saw it moving and I knew someone was inside. The windows are opaque so I couldn't look inside. I knocked for a few times and called his name, when he finally opened the door a bit I saw his red face." Namjoon laughed at the memory, his little brother really was something else. "I scolded him but then I saw Taehyung and knew."

"Wait! Woa woa, they did it? In his car? Oh my gosh, my brother is so done." Seokjin couldn't believe it.

"No, they didn't. I'm sure they were still playing around, it didn't smell like sex. You can calm down." He placed a hand on Seokjin's shoulder and the latter almost immediately stopped freaking out.

Namjoon wondered if the other could feel the spark too.

And Seokjin did, he always felt butterflies in his stomach when he secretly watched the younger on the beach. The way Namjoon was looking at him gave him a new found confidence, it was now or never.

He leaned in and kissed him. Namjoon wasn't shocked but surprised. When Seokjin stopped, because Namjoon didn't kiss him back, he panicked.

His hands grabbed the back of Seokjin's neck and brought him back to his lips, he could feel him smile.

Before the kiss could go any deeper, they leaned back. There were many people around them, it wouldn't be appropriate if they would walk around with a visible hard-on afterwards.

"M-Maybe we should go too?" Seokjin asked him with a high pitched voice.

"Yes, I think that's a good idea, uh I'll just- just tell my dad that we will leave, not that they'll search for us." Namjoon wasn't any better, he was a nervous wreck, never had a crush before. Everything was new for him but it felt so good. Now he could understand his brother.

✔ Merman And The Prince // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now