Chapter 6: Ugh... You again?

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Paige awoke by the sound of someone doing a spell. She remembered what happened last night, she opened her eyes. All she saw was the ceiling, and hair. Paige brushed the hair out of her eyes and sat up. As she sat up she saw the boy still laying in the hospital bed, play with his wand. The minute she sat up, his eyes darted to hers. She almost blushed, he had very blue eyes that looked like they could glow in the dark. He also had messy black hair, with pale skin. His eyes were also bloodshot, which made him look a bit deadly. And he still had a huge bandage on his face that was all bloody.

He set his wand down on his lap, and he looked away at the window beside Paige's bed, as though nothing happened. She looked away also, this time, looking at her beside table that had her wand on. First, she thought about it. If she grabbed her wand, he would grab his faster. Plus, in her mind, this boy was insane. She was also half scared, so she might not get through this easily.

Suddenly, she heard a weird sound and she looked at the boys bed. He was now laying back down, and all she thought was 'I am tired'. To her, that seemed weird. So she laid back down. But stayed awake. Few minutes later her eyes were closed, but still awake. Now twenty minutes later, and she was half asleep. 'THUD!' Paige jumped at the loud sound. Immediately, Paige sat up and looked around wildly. Right away she spotted the black hair boy on the ground, breathing heavily.

"What in the name of Merlin are you doing?!" She shouted, he didn't say anything. The boy scrambled to his feet more quick than usual and picked up his wand. Not caring about her wand, Paige climbed out of bed and stood up. She winced slightly and she did, since she hasn't stood up in a while. But other then that she was fine. "Hello?" Paige took a step forward "Are you alright? Do you need me to get Madam Pomfrey?" She asked. He shook his head rapidly. "Um, can you speak?" She tried one last question, "Maybe" his voice was a calm, very calm, voice. At the same time, he sounded a bit scared. He was still scowling though, so he didn't seem very funny. "Oh- uh..." For some stupid reason she went a bit red, "What's your name? I'm... Paige." She said biting her lip. She tasted blood. Paige looked around for a cloth when he didn't reply, instead she grabbed a couple tissues from her beside table and stuffed them in her mouth. She groaned in pain, then her eyes glanced at the boy. He was still standing there, but now he was doing a spell behind his back. Then, Paige spat the bloody tissues out of her mouth and asked "What are you doing?!".


A/N: Ehehe..*says in sing-song voice* Hope you enjoyed! This to me is probably the best chapter yet! :) Bye Papaya!

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