- The Reckoning -

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"Ffffff-FUCK! You asshole! What the fuck!?" Troy cursed out at me as Keith pulled a knife out from his back pocket.

"S-step the FUCK back!" He ordered me, waving his knife around like pre-schooler with a crayon.

I laughed again, harder this time. It was a sound I'd never heard leave my voice. But I couldn't help it. The irony of everything was hysterical to me.
I didn't care if I was descending into madness.
I wanted them to suffer.

I looked back up towards Keith, an amused yet dark expression painting my face.
"Step back? Sure."
I lifted my hands before phasing into thin air, disappearing from his sight.

I watched as the boy's eyes filled with terror. He spun around, eyes darting in every which way.
"What the-...what the hell?" Keith muttered to himself in horror.
"Are you seeing this Troy?"

Troy likely would have responded, if I hadn't phased back behind him at that very moment.
I threw him roughly to the pavement, kicking with as much force as I could muster.
"You...hahaaah...really never....ahaaah...learn DO YOU!?" I exclaimed as my shoes continued bashing into his torso.

He cried out in pain, clawing at the concrete as he fought to get up.
Keith seemed to finally snap out of his fear, turning and rushing towards me with the knife.

I swiftly reached to my back pocket pulling out the gun and cocking it.
"Tsk tsk tsk. You sure you wanna do that Keith?" I raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

He froze in place, dropping the knife and raising his hands in the air.
"N-no. Please, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Liu. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean anything- I just..." He trailed off in his sad excuse of an apology.

I aimed directly for the boy's head, my expression darkening as I stared into his eyes.
I was about to speak before he cut me off again.

"Please Liu! I never wanted any of this to happen! Randy was the one who forced us into this. He told us to attack Jeff that day. I spent two years in juvy for that shit. I'm so sorry." He wailed, tears rushing down his face.

Troy choked up blood on the ground, fighting to speak up.
"He's...telling the truth." He spoke in a raspy, strained voice.

I looked towards the boy on the ground for a moment before turning my attention back to Keith.

"Don't you dare talk about my fucking brother." I narrowed my eyes.

"He's-He's a psycho Liu!" Keith attempted to get on my side.

I shook my head with a small laugh. My grip tightening on the pistol as my finger rested against the trigger.
"Go to sleep, you bastard." I spoke lowly before pulling the trigger.

A loud bang sounded through the neighborhood as I watched the pistol meet with Keith's skull.
He fell to the ground instantly, blood pouring out onto the once clean pavement.

I stared emotionlessly towards the body for a few moments as the street grew silent again.
My head turned slightly as I noticed Troy managing to slowly pull himself up from the pavement. I shifted my gun's direction, aiming directly towards him.

Troy didn't say anything. He just looked up at me with a deep hatred, spitting blood onto the street.
"You're just like your brother." He seethed.

I held my emotionless expression, staring him down.
"I'm nothing like him. I don't kill for my own pleasure. I kill off morons like you for the sake of my own charity work. I am Liu Woods. Bang."
I pulled the trigger again, watching as Troy fell lifeless, similarly to Keith.

I can't remember how long I stood there in the middle of that street, waiting for my senses to return to me.
The sudden sound of sirens blaring in the distance finally shook me out of my daze. Only then did I notice the way the houses had seemed to light up across the neighborhood.

I felt someone grab onto my hand, jerking me away from the scene.
I gasped, my eyes identifying Jeff as he dragged me off.
"HAHAAAH! That was fucking badass dude!" Jeff blurted out in laughter.
"Where'd that come from!?" He asked ecstatically as we both rushed away from the flashing red and blue lights, into the cover of woods.

I was speechless for a moment before chuckling a bit myself.
"I don't-...I DONT KNOW!" I laughed as the sound of sirens seemed to fade off into the distance.

"Those asshole's got what they deserved." Jeff smirked through his laughter as we continued off.

I nodded to myself.
"They did. They did didn't they?"

I froze after a moment in my footsteps. Jeff jolted backwards, the abrupt stop taking him by surprise.
"Liu? What're you doing dude!? We've gotta get the fuck out of here!" He looked at me like I was insane.

I gripped onto my brother's shoulders. My eyes wide and crazed.
"I don't want to stop here Jeff. I want to kill again. I wanna rid the world of all the piece of shit scum like those three were. One by one. I'll cleanse this shitty town." I spoke, my voice full of determination.

Jeff smirked, nodding towards me.
"I'm proud of you, Liu."

We looked back at each other for several more moments, the sound of police sirens and panicked voices shouting in the distance, masked by the thick forested woods.
Suddenly, I understood my brother.

Not only that.
But for the first time in my life, I understood myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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