When he hit the ground there was a loud thud, and a groan, I looked outside and saw that the guy had somehow survived and was trying to crawl for help, also the other three didn't see him. I then pull out my sniper and aim at the back of his head and shot him. I put the rifle away and looked around the room and saw a couple of drawers and looked inside them for any clues about my brother's where a bouts.

I didn't find anything helpful, but I did find a key. I guess that there's a locked room I could go too. I place the key in my shoe so my foot would be on top of it, even though it is really uncomfortable, it's better to hide something like that in a place no one is going to see it.

I then left the room stealthily, trying not to be discovered by anyone, and as I walked down a hallway, I saw something out the window and it was a bunch of animals in cages. There were mostly just farm animals like pigs, and chickens. That wasn't the only thing I see, there were crates

Y/n: "Why are there animals here? Maybe their going to sell them or eat them or something. But what about the crates? What is there purpose in being here?

I decided to come back and deal with it later, for now I need to find the noble devil. I continued my search for him. At the end of the hallway there was a closed door, I walked up to it and placed my right ear on it, trying to hear if there is anyone or anything on the other side.

Noble Devil: "Ah, miss Van Winkle, I assume you have the item I requested?"

Van winkle: "Indeed, I do." said a female voice with a German accent. Then someone snapped their fingers, and there was silence for a few seconds.

Noble Devil: "The Phenex tears, I'm surprised, I didn't think they had any right now, with the recent events." 'Guess I was right following this guy.'

Van Winkle: "Yes, vell even with ze preparations for lord Phenex's son, Riser, for ze wedding with the other family, he still has time to zell zome of his family's most trezeured possessions."

Noble Devil: "Who was it that he was marrying again?"

Van winkle: "I believe that his son is marrying..."

There was a small pause.

Y/n: 'Why did she stop talking? Maybe she's jealou-'

Before I could finish my thought, a small light blue blur went through the door and hit me in my left shoulder, and I fell on my back on the floor.

Y/n: "Ahhhhhhhh, Jesus fu$king Christ!"

Then the door opens and reveals the noble devil I have been following, and he looks pissed.

Noble Devil: "Who are you?! Why are you here?! You commoner filth!" He shouted.

Y/n: "You want to know my name-groans- it's Captain Piss off, and I'm here to give you your viagra, so you can go fu$k yourself." I said.

He then knelt down and pulled something out of his jacket, then he punched me in the face. When his fist hit my face I didn't feel any skin, but something metallic instead. I looked at him and saw that he had a, what I guess is, sliver knuckles, as in actual silver, not stainless steel or some knock off type of metal paint silver. The reason I'm guessing that it is actual silver is...well come on he's a noble Devil, why would he get some cheap weapon when he can afford expensive ones.

Y/n: "What a surprise, a Noble Devil with silver knuckles, and I gotta be honest, I was expecting it to be made out of gold." I said in a mocking tone. He then punched me again.

Y/n: "Ah fu$k, okay, I probably deserved that, but I just want to clear something up. When I said (cough cough) for you to go fu$ck yourself, I meant to say: so you can go fu$k your mother." I said with a pained smile.

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