Chapter 4

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Before I start this chapter I just want to say thank you Everyone for all the views, and votes, it means a lot to me. Now on with the story.

3rd POV

Y/n had just got home after his encounter with Rias and her peerage. He took off his school clothes, and put on (favourite colour) t-shirt, (second favourite colour) hoodie, and pants that he could move around in. He grabbed his sniper rifle, three magazines for both of his guns, five throwing knives, his mask, the rope launcher, and some money. He walked to his bedroom window, opened it and then got out onto the apartments fire escape and made his way to the roof. When he got to the roof he started thinking we're the shipments could be.

Y/n: 'Where would they deliver the shipments? Let's see, the letter I have with me stated that it will be in Kouh, Japan, so it wouldn't be delivered via truck because it would take too long. They could have used a plane, but that would attract attention from humans and airport security, even if the shipments is on a private plane. They could have used a train or a boat to deliver the shipments. But a train would also attract unwanted attention and the devils would be surrounded by humans, and even though it would be a good way to hide in plain sight, They would more than likely use a boat to deliver the shipments, because then they wouldn't have to go through the trouble of erasing people's memories of them.'

Y/n then got out his phone and went on the GPS on my phone to search for kouh docks.

Y/n: "Looks like it's north of where I am, and it's an hour walk." (Looks at rope launcher) "Lets see if I can make that 30 minutes."

Y/n then starts to Zip line his way to the docks.

Time skip

It took me around thirty minutes to get to the docks, and when I got to a rooftop of a building near the docks, I pulled out my sniper rifle and used it to see where the shipments are at.

Y/n: "Cr$p, I don't see anything out of the ordinary," I then started to look around for a few moments and I couldn't find anything. I will just go somewhere else if I don't find anything soon. Then when I was scouting for any leads or clues, I saw a man out of the corner of the scope. He had with pale skin, and brown hair, wearing a fancy three piece suit, with some gold trimming on it. I guess that's probably the type of clothing Noble Devils would wear. "Well hello there." I said to myself.

I use the rope launcher to help me get to the ground, with out breaking my legs. I then made my way to a crate that was a few feet behind the man, and started to stalk him. He didn't sense or notice me so he kept walking, after 7 minutes of walking he stop at a warehouse near the docks and knocked on the door. I was currently hiding behind a medium size crate, a few feet away from him, to hide presence.

Then a man with black hair and a worker uniform opened the door.

Worker: "Can I help you sir?" He asked

Noble Devil: "I'm here for the meeting." He said

He was then let in and disappeared inside the building. I'm going to need to look for a way in.

After a minute of walking and searching, I found an open window on the left side of the building. I aimed my rope launcher at the roof and made my way up towards the window. I got to the window and as I was about to go in, when some one suddenly appeared at the window, preventing me from getting in.

I then looked at the ground to see if there was anyone there. Only three people were there, I guess the other workers are on break or something, and they were all on one side of the area having a conversation. I then grabbed the guy and thrown him off the ledge and went inside the building.

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