Proof That You are Human

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Author's note:

I will make it short. I am not the focus of the story. This is my first fanfiction that I have not deleted. You can thank  soosuxx for this.

This is a boy's love genre, a fanfiction for the GMMTV show Sotus. I picked a random moment in their first year. This is the result. Hope that you like it.

I own nothing but the plot. You can thank Bittersweet for the men. You can thank GMMTV for the actors and the picture.

One last thing. Please, PLEASE. Do not translate and post elsewhere under any other title or writer. TALK TO ME. I am not unreasonable!

Now, on to the story. Don't look at me. *hides*


Chapter 1

The phone vibrated and played a chirpy tune from the bedside table. A hand came out from under the comforter and in a surprisingly uncoordinated move, fumbled around trying to stop the incessant racket that was causing a throb to pulsate through his head. Mid-jingle, Kongpob managed to swipe the screen and shut off the disturbance, while his brain slowly registered reality. He felt sluggish today, out of sorts, and he had a feeling that it was only going to get worse. If he were smart, he would stay in bed and for once let the morning pass without his knowledge, much like his boyfriend of just over 6 months was want to do most days. However, ingrained since he was a youth, "Early to rise, makes a man, healthy, wealthy and wise," he slowly sat up and peered around the darkened room.

Sitting up made him fully aware of the pounding headache and its accompanying body aches. Normally he was a healthy person who took care of himself. The past couple of weeks had been hectic as the assignments had piled in for every class, almost as though the professors conspired to have everything due in the same time frame. This week alone had been hell, and it was still only Thursday.

First, his Industrial Science class lab report had to be completely rewritten the night before it was due. Someone (he was still too angry to think his name, let alone speak it) had talked him into loaning his laptop to log into their game for a couple of minutes to run a daily quest while waiting for the rest of their friends to show for their study group. Said someone threw a fit at his game because of a glitch in the system and instead of logging off the borrowed computer like a sensible person, the unbalanced fit of rage shoved Kongpob's computer backward and straight off the table faster than a reflex could catch where it landed on the floor with a sickening crack.

While the computer suffered minor damage, the external thumb drive did not fare as well, as it had taken the brunt of the floor's abuse. Everything was destroyed on the drive, including the notes, data, and the lab report that had been over halfway completed. The only thing that kept Kongpob from overreacting and shouting the obscenities currently running through his head were two things: 1) said someone was horrified and apologizing every which way to Sunday in real remorse and 2) he had at least a partial copy backed up on his external drive safely in his room so he didn't have to start completely from scratch.

Arthit had once told him that he needed to lose his temper once in a while or do something that was completely ordinary as proof that he was human. It had been an interesting comment that had sparked a debate between them, and to this day, he did not know whether he had won or lost, but he wasn't in the mood to entertain the idea of making a scene especially in the library just to prove his humanity.

Instead, Kongpob had taken his things and left just as the others had shown up without saying a word, much to their surprise. He ended up spending the rest of the afternoon ignoring his continuously chirping phone in favor of redoing his notes, piecing together the data, and editing the lab report, scrambling to turn it in before 11:59, when the assignment window closed, and barely making it.

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