Trip to Haiti

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Monday finally rolled back around and I was sitting in second period working on some math puzzles just for fun because I had already finished my exam before everyone else. My phone buzzes from inside my bag, I eye the teacher as she intently reads an old book of hers I've probably seen her reads countless other times at her desk as I slyly pull the phone from my bag and read the message. It's a text from Amber to Katie and I both in a group message 'S.O.S.' it reads in all capital letters. My phone buzzes again with another text from Amber 'East wing bathroom - gym' I put my phone in my back pocket as I stand up and make my way over to my teacher. "Mrs. Rigg?" I say in a whisper.

"Yes Miss O'Connor?" She looks up from her book and smiles.

"Could I use the restroom, it's an emergency" I smile back at her.

"Of course dear" she pulls a pink colored pen from a mug full of other pens and pencils as she signs a small yellow piece of paper and hands it to me. I thank her and walk out of the classroom, closing the door quietly behind me in courtesy of the other students taking their exams. I walk down the halls of our school and find my way to the girl's bathroom by the gym. I walk in and Katie is already there with Amber who looks like she's about to puke. "Amber what's up?" I ask. She shivers and looks us dead in the eye, she looks terrified.

"Daniel Johnson just asked me out!" She says breathlessly

"Oh my god are you serious? Amber that's awesome!" Katie exclaims giving Amber a brief hug. Amber has had a crush on Daniel since the seventh grade.

"No way!" I say with a big smile, trying to act shocked. Daniel had approached Logan a few weeks ago and gave him the run down about how he felt about Amber. So truthfully I knew this was going to happen. From that moment on, Daniel was all Amber could talk about.

It was two days before school was ending and it was time for our trip to Haiti. We were taking a small cruise ship and a few other people from our school and other schools in our area. Logan came over to help me pack and drove with my mom and I to the cruise port. It was smaller than the other six cruises I had been on but I didn't care. Our room was pretty big though, I shared it with Katie and another girl who lived two hours away from us named Lexi.

Within three days on the boat Katie, Lexi and I became the best of friends. Logan had called me every night until I no longer had service. We all woke up early in the morning to see the boat dock in Haiti. It was beautiful, the water was a breathtaking blue and the sand was pure and white. All three of us made sure we we're one of the first few people off the boat. The first day was the day of relaxing, which consisted of soaking up in the sun for about an hour or so and then went swimming in the ocean and tried to push each other under water. We played an intense game of Marco-Polo with a few other people on the boat and others that lived there. During the last part of the day we went zip lining through the forest and over the ocean.

The second day we ventured into a small village and brought them food and water, our groups were assigned a few people to look after as we brought them on the boat, where they could have dinner see the shows, swim in the pool participate in some activities and buy whatever they wanted for free. The third day Katie, Lexi and a few other boys from another group and I volunteered to be the people to accompany a smaller village somewhere in the area to spend a day in the life of poor people in Haiti. We spent the night and in the morning we were taken back to the boat on horseback. While coming back we passed several woman and children chanting "Aimee our goddess, Aimee our savior. Take us to the shores of heaven and save us from the dead." When we got back to the boat and dismounted I gathered up the courage to ask our guide about what the children were chanting about.

She told us the story of 'The Golden Angel' A noble knight of the Royal Kingdom of Arel fell in love with a Guardian Angel named Lillian, and married. They had six very beautiful children, Mary, Amelia, Elaine, Benjamin, Kendant and Cato. When Lillian once fell ill and passed on, the knight, James, went into a deep depression. One day he stumbled upon an old wizard who promised to teach him about magic. James soon was driven mad with the power he had and drained the old wizard of his power which ended in killing him. He became such a huge threat to the Kingdom, the young prince Julian sent some of his best men out to kill him. Knowing this he divided his power evenly to his six children and ended up taking his life as well. Julian's men caught word of this and started picking his children off one by one, however, one of his sons Kendant managed to slip away.

 Soon Kendant fell in love and married a pheasant girl named Aria. When Aria was with child, someone had come upon Kendant and showed him an old prophecy of his child who would become The Golden Angel who would save us all from the dark queen, Aria's wrath. Not wanting to believe in such a thing but just in case he made a deal with an old witch that if anything were to happen to the child's parents, she would turn him in to Julian and send his child into a realm portal sending her to the human realm of Earth. The prophecy slowly began to come true, Kendant and Aria's daughter was born. A golden blonde haired, bright blue eyed girl they named Aimee.

 By the time Aimee turned one Aria was driven mad of Kendant's power and stripped him of it. The old witch did as she was told and took Aimee, she turned the weak Kendant into Julian and threw Aimee into the portal. Aria found the witch as she was doing so, stole her power and killed her, but did not have the known knowledge yet to travel through realms to retrieve her daughter.

On her 18th birthday, The Golden Angel will regain her wings and power and soon save us all from Aria's wrath, Aria's apocalypse.

That night I couldn't stop thinking about that story that the woman had told us about. I had to laugh at the fact of course that that angel had the same name as me, but then as I replayed it over and over again in my head it just seemed even more ridiculous. The last few days of the trip when we were coming back home were the best days about the trip. We caused a lot of trouble between the three of us and actually got a noise complaint one night. I was really going to miss Lexi, but we knew were we're never that far from each other. We had already exchanged numbers, twitter, Facebook and Instagram by the time it was time to say goodbye.

I was the last one to be picked up out of most of the three of us, I got to meet Lexi's parents, Katie's mom came to pick her up and Logan came to pick me up. I was having the most fun with him that he had in a long time, he took me to his lake house from Friday to Monday before he took me home. I guess it was a 'Welcome home, yet not home-I'm actually stealing you for four days' kind of thing, but I was totally okay with it.


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