What Friends Are For

Start from the beginning


The sun was really low, just peeking over the horizon painting the trees in black, the sky in orange and black. But the darkness didn't prove to be a problem because of our night vision as werewolves. We had excellent vision twenty-four seven.

Border patrol was important, and sometimes it was fun. Other times, it was probably the most boring thing I could do especially when I was guarding a portion of the border where I was the only one, or my companions weren't fun.

Now would be one of those times. Then again, the roster that had been assigned today mainly consisted of mature men and women who weren't as spontaneous and energetic as the wolves closer to my age. They were all serious and were no fun at all. They kept saying that border patrol was to be taken seriously and wasn't the time to play around.

I never said that. I just said that we should do something to pass the time. Even a game of cards, or maybe hide and seek, or something. We'd be doing our jobs but at the same time, having fun and just like that, the time would pass, and it would be the nest roster's shift.

So, after failing to find something to entertain myself around these grown-ups, I wandered off to another part of the border.

And I was in luck, too. Because the person I found was Carter Hayes. As unpredictable as he could get right now, I'd prefer his company over the boring adults, because at least he'd give me something to do even if it means escaping a near death experience. However, as I approached him, he seemed to be lost in his own little world.

He was sitting on a large boulder which was situated near some trees and brush. There was a smaller boulder next to the one he sat on, his knees pulled to his chest and arms around his knees. He was just sitting there, spaced out and staring at the open woods beyond. I wasn't sure if he was thinking, focusing on the woods, or just lost in his own world. But as I got closer, he still hadn't moved even when I same to sit on the boulder adjacent to his.

It was only when I looked at his side profile, did I know why. The bit of remaining sunlight shone on his face, making the few tears glisten.

"Carter." I called, gently, and he stirred but didn't turn to look at me. It was as if he heard me but didn't really hear me loud enough to register our proximity. Unsure about this, I touched his shoulder and called his name again, bracing myself for a violent response.

He turned his head, tears glistening on his cheeks and in his eyes before he finally seemed to register the situation. He quickly turned his head to face forward, wiping away the tears with his sleeve. Carter sniffled lightly before apologizing, which had me frowning a moment before I shook my head and gave a small reassuring smile. He shouldn't apologize for showing emotion or allowing himself a moment of weakness.

"How are you holding up?" I asked, realizing that ever since the altercation this morning, I hadn't gotten the chance to consider his feelings. If anything, I was more upset over Carter threatening Jaxon when he didn't do anything other than spend time with me.

I had been a bad friend to him this morning, only concerned over Carter potentially hurting Jaxon and not considering that he was facing his own issues with his mate.

Carter sniffled lightly, placing his arms over his knees and his forehead against them. He was my friend, and honestly, it hurt seeing him like this when he always carried himself in such a strong, stable, confident manner. He looked so broken and vulnerable right now.

He didn't answer for a while, and minutes had gone by enough for a comfortable silence to settle between us. By the time he chose to respond, I had taken a position of sitting on the smaller boulder, legs folded beneath me and my phone in hand while I tried to beat the next level in Candy Crush.

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