Fuck that "dear diary" shit

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I'm not going to start this crap with "dear diary" because I will not be so basic.
So hi, I'm Sarah and I'm a solo mum. My daughter is almost one and it's been a hell of a journey for us both. I haven't had much sleep since finding out I was pregnant, but I'll admit I have been eating like I'm pregnant still to this day.
I'm young and single and already a mum, sometimes I feel like things couldn't get any harder. However life slaps me in the face with more complications almost every second day. I had issues with my pregnancy, issues with bub, now issues with me. I just don't get a break, since being back at work I've had 3 injuries that I probably should have gone to the doctors but I like to tough it out. Growing up in a family of boys I've been forced to tough it out. I've learned that being a pussy gets you nothing and although I'm their little princess, I don't need to be treated like one.
I hate going to the doctors because of one reason only, getting prescriptions. I very much believe in the idea that our body will heal itself. Putting antibiotics into our system will only weaken our bodies and teach our immune system that I doesn't need to do it's job because the antibiotics will do it.
I've sort of gone off topic throughout this whole thing but I really don't like antibiotics and it pisses me off that doctors always recommend them.
Anyway this is a real life diary entry and I'll try to keep them short and on topic from now on ✌🏽.

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