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    Followers of Christianity and Islam, two of the world's major religions, believe in the concept of heaven and hell.

    The Bible says that "no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him".

    There is no sorrow or death or pain in heaven. Instead, there will be laughter and rejoicing.

    One thing Is for sure, there will be no poverty in heaven either. The city streets of heaven will be made of pure gold, as described in Revelation.

    Born-again Christians believe that Jesus has prepared many mansions in heaven and at the right time, Jesus will return to bring them there.

    In Islam, there are different views held by different sects or Muslim scholars. The general understanding tends to perceive the otherworldly form as very similar to the one here on earth.

    Heaven or paradise is presented as an immeasurably large garden literally abounding in beautiful trees casting eternal shadows under which rivers will flow.

    The rivers will be of milk and honey. The garden will be filled with fruit-bearing trees and the meat will be from all sorts of birds.

    Female companions of exceeding beauty and refinement would be provided to the pious men, with no limit imposed on the number, which will be decided according to their capacity. As many as they can cope with will be theirs.

    The enjoyment therefore is sensual. No work to be performed, no labour to be wasted, no effort to be made.

    Reclining on heavenly cushions of sink and brocade, dwellers will while their time away in eternal bliss.

    But there are others who categorically reject this understanding and prove with many references to verses of the Holy Quran that what it describes is just metaphorical imagery which has no carnality about it.

    In fact, they say, the Holy Quran makes it amply clear that the form of existence of the life to come will be so different form will known forms of life here in earth, that it is beyond human imagination even to have the slightest glimpse of the otherworldly realities.

    "We will raise you into a form of which you have not the slightest knowledge, " says Surah alwaqiah(56 :62).

Thank you for reading

Next will be talking about Hell.

Bye 👋 💜

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