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Astla Esmael, 16, student

  I believe that I've come face to face with an angel of death. And it scares me.
  Let me tell you a little more about myself. After the death of my dad and my grandpa, I felt lost and lonely because I was close to both of them.
  About a week before my grandfather died, I had begun to feel uneasy. I had the premonition that I was going to lose someone.
  One night, I was in my room trying to get some rest. I slipped into a fitful sleep. All of a sudden, I could see the figure of a man -- an elderly man wearing a white Judah, the robes that many Arab men wear especially when doing their prayers.
  He was standing right in front of me. I couldn't really really see his face. Without any reason, I began to cry.
   I felt afraid even though he didn't do anythinf to hurt me. When I tried to look at his face, I found myself staring into a bring light.
    " I'll be coming again soon," he said in Arabic. "Ba aragah lak Phil qareeb." He then vanished.
      When I told m about it,she said I must have been dreaming. But I had the feeling that something bad was about to happen. Exactly a week later, my grandpa passed away peacefully.
       When we buried him, I saw the elderly man who had appeared before me! He was standing over the grave. I looked around but no one else seemed to have seen him even though he was right in front of my eyes.
        Later, I told my aunt and uncle about it and they told me that maybe I had seen an "angel of death".
        It has happened a few times. A few months later, in 2003, I saw that old man again a week before my aunt, my mum's sister, died.
         And in January 2004, I saw him again a week before my favourite uncle passed on. I cried every time I met him as I knew that he was a harbinger of death and sorrow.
          I've read about the grim reaper, the skeleton in a black cloak carrying a scythe coming to clam souls. It's scary and I much rather that an angel escort a departing soul. The thing I don't understand is why the old man chose to break the bad news to me first.
         Now my mother believes me who I tell her about the mysterious figure. Honestly, I don't know when all this going to end.
         In July 2004, my grandma smother was in critical condition. All my uncles and aunts came to my house to see her.
         It was about 10.45 pm when that familiar presence appeared before me again.
         "Oh no, not again! " I thought to my self. I felt sure he was going to take my grandmother away. I pleaded with him to give her more time because she wanted to see one of my cousins getting married in February 2005.
           I pleaded with much tears. As usual, he hardly said a word but appeared to nod his head.
            Maybe he took pity on me. Till today,  my grandmother is still alive. She witnessed the wedding of my cousin and I enjoyed watching her laugh and taking part in everything. Life, how precious it is. I am grateful for Evey breath, for every additional minute that I love on this earth.
             I pray that I will not see the "angel of death" again. Everyone has to die.  I just do not want to know when.

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Wrote - 598

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Bye see you next time

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