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    An American journalist once wrote, "Death is but a distant rumour to the young. "

    That is certainly true in my case.when I was young, many carefree days were spent playing football and having fun with my friends. My biggest worry was the end-of-year examinations.

    While I don't have a morbid fascination phobia with it, the subject of death is certainly more real to me today than when I was a teen.

    I have attended the funerals of people close to me and I certainly hope that they are in a better place. One quote that captivates me is "You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the Grim Reaper". Those were the last words of convicted in the gas chamber in 1992.

    That set me thinking. Death is indeed the great leveller. You may be the richest man in the world but you can't take your wealth with you into the grave. On the other hand, you might die a penniless beggar. As the Johnny Cash song, "Country Trash", goes:"We'll all be equal under the grass".

    But is death a point in a journey or the end of that journey? Scientists don't have the answer. After all, they will not find out until they die. And when they do, they will not be around to report their finding.

    Philosophers differ in their opinions on life after death while theologians have varying theories.

    Will you go to heaven? Is there a hell? Or will you be reincarnated as a prince or princess or maybe even return as a pig or a rat?

    Or does life, as we know it, end when we breathe our last, beyond which there is no existence? There are some who subscribe to this philosophy. During a discussion, a friend of mine said, "Hey, Russell, life is short. Enjoy it while you can. This is as good as it gets. "

    He didn't believe it's we simple as that.

    Everybody is shaped by his or her own spiritual experiences. If you ask me whether I believe in life after death, my answer is "yes".

    What will it be like? I honestly don't know. But I have my own belifs on what awaits us. In the meantime, I will try and spread as much love, joy, peace and understanding as I can.

    In the following pages, I will explore the possible scenarios of life after death.

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See you Next time

The next chapter will be Near-death experiences

Bye 😊💜

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