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Following the model down the stairs to the car, Yoongi checked the time once more and picked up his pace to catch up to Jimin.

Being Jimin's manager was never the job he had envisioned for himself when he graduated from high school, obviously. He had enrolled into college like every other high school graduate but he soon found the environment in his classes to be suffocating so he dropped out. At first, he got low-income jobs at grocery stores and such but one of his friends hooked him up with a job at Jimin's company and that's how the pair was formed.

From then on, Yoongi managed Jimin well. Jimin was never a fan of what his company wanted him to do but Yoongi managed to find a way that would not only satisfy Jimin but also the company at the same time, something his previous managers could never do.

Yoongi was getting paid the big bucks but the biggest downside to this job was it caused the fall of his dating life. One after another, each relationship he had would end with the sole reason being because of Jimin. They all accused Yoongi of caring way more for Jimin than them. But Yoongi didn't see anything wrong with it because Jimin was the reason he was able to pay for the dates they go and that's what he told them. For obvious reasons, it left him to be single.

Jimin noticed Yoongi was behind him so he slowed down and walked next to his manager thinking of his newly hatched mission.

"Are you seeing anyone?" Jimin asked.

"I'm looking at you right now," Yoongi answered nonchalantly.

"I mean like are you dating anyone right now?"

"Why does it matter whether I am not or not?" Yoongi asked before taking a drink from his coffee.

Jimin shrugged, "Just curious, so are you?"

"No, I'm not," Yoongi answered.

Yoongi got out his keys and unlocked the car doors before getting inside. Jimin got into the passenger's seat and buckled up. He took another sip from his coffee before setting it down and leaning back in his seat.

"So what is my schedule today?" Jimin asked looking at his manager who was driving.

"I sent you the schedule last night, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but I didn't look at it," Jimin answers bluntly.

"Meeting for a potential role in movie and then a photoshoot with a clothing company," Yoongi answered with slight annoyance.

Jimin groaned,"That seem so boring, can't we ditch the schedule and go do something fun."

"No," Yoongi answered shortly.

Jimin pouted towards his manager in hopes of getting out of his schedule. Yoongi ignored him and started driving to the office where they were meeting the directors of the movie.

"What kind of people do you like?" Jimin asked after a few minutes of watching his manager.

"People who read their schedules beforehand," Yoongi answered focusing more on the road.

"Hm, interesting," Jimin mumbled as he took another sip from his lukewarm coffee.

The rest of the ride was in silence with the exception of Yoongi's occasional cussing at bad drivers.

Jimin got out of the car with a small hop and waited for his manager to get his things. The pair made their way into the building and onto the elevator. Yoongi waited impatiently and checked the watch on his wrist.

"We are 5 minutes late Jimin, if you don't get this role I'm going to be pissed. I went through a lot of hurdles to get you this," Yoongi said.

"Hm? Maybe if you punish me, I'll do better," Jimin said turning towards his manager and trailing his finger against Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi looked at him and stepped back, "We are late for a meeting and you are seriously trying to practice your flirting on me."

The elevator dinged just before Jimin could answer. Yoongi followed after his beloved actor to the conference room. Upon entering, Yoongi greeted the directors and apologized for their late arrival. The meeting was soon commenced.

As the meeting progressed, Jimin snuck a few glances at his manager who was diligently taking notes over the conversation. He decided to try flirting with his manager by trailing his finger against Yoongi's. Yoongi soon caught on and pulled his hand away from Jimin which took Jimin by surprise. Jimin cleared his throat and his cheeks slowly flushed red a little. He was not expecting his manager to reject him so harshly.

It finally came time for the signing of the contract and Yoongi took out a pen for Jimin to use. He grabbed the pen intentionally letting his hand linger on his manager's before actually signing the contract.

Yoongi looked at him trying to figure out the reasoning behind his actions. The meeting ended shortly after and the pair was heading down to the car once again. With the celebrity behind him, Yoongi navigated Jimin to the car.

"What do you want to eat today? I'll get it for you while you're working," the manager asked the model as he drove to their next location, the photoshoot.

"Whatever you want Yoongi," Jimin answered staring at his manager.

"What is up with you today?"

Jimin smiled and licked his lips.

"Nothing is up with me Yoongi, I've just realized how attractive you are."

Yoongi cleared his throat and glanced at Jimin, "Seriously Jimin, did I hit you too hard this morning?"

Jimin laughed, "Why? Are you falling for me?"

"No one in their right fucking minds would fall for the stunts you pull."

Jimin grinned, this game was more fun than he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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