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Jimin is still in bed. Despite the very detailed schedule his manager sent him last night, he is still in bed.

His alarm blared breaking the peaceful silence before he sleepily reached over and turned it off for good. At peace again, his head buried back into his pillow and his body shifted in a more comfortable position. Then he drifted off to sleep once more.

It's very hard to get Jimin out of bed. No one dared to wake up the model, even his own mother opted out of waking him up. Well his mother opted out on being his mother for a life of fame so it would be a given she wouldn't know how to wake her son up.

Maybe there was one person who would and could wake up the famed 23 year old. His 26 year old manager, Min Yoongi. A man who traded a life as a student in college for a life of managing a famed model. The reason for this choice was simply because he didn't like the environment of college. Contrary to stereotypes, his parents were very supportive of his choice and allowed him.

This very man is currently standing outside Jimin's front door struggling to get the key to open his door. With a coffee in each hand, he managed to unlock the front door. Once he stepped in, the door shut behind him causing a booming thud to be heard throughout the quiet apartment.

Yoongi walked over to Jimin's bedroom door setting the coffees down on the table once he noticed the absence of a certain model. He opened the door and saw Jimin still snuggled up in his bed.

"Get up," Yoongi said stepping into the bedroom and opening the blinds causing the room to light up.

Jimin groaned and rolled over onto his stomach.

"Five more hours," Jimin grumbled trying to return to his slumber.

"Five more hours my ass, get up," Yoongi tried again but this time nudging him a little.

"Fine, five more minutes," Jimin gambled.

"No, get your ass up," Yoongi demanded.

Jimin simply ignored his manager and curled into his bed. Noticing he was ignored, Yoongi grabbed ahold of the corners of his pillow and pulled it out from under his head before smacking it on Jimin's head.

Jimin groaned once again and curled into his blanket before Yoongi abruptly pulled it off the bed. Jimin sat up and glared at his manager.

"I'm up, I'm up," Jimin said getting out of bed and stretching a little.

He walked into his bathroom while his manager went back out to the living room.

Jimin stared at his reflection and ran his hands through his dried up hair noticing his roots were beginning to show. Maybe it was time for another dye job. He stared at his face in the mirror for a moment longer.

The model then walked closer to his sink and quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face. He rubbed on his moisturizer before going to his closet to choose an outfit to wear. Up until he was able to make decisions for himself, his mother always dressed him up in clothes she endorsed, using her own child as a personal moneymaker.

He decided on a pair of ripped jeans and a hoodie, both from clothing company he endorsed.

He walked out and grabbed his coffee from the table before taking a sip. Other than the temperature, the coffee was perfect. Only his wonderful manager would be able to get his coffee order just right. He took another sip from his coffee and looked at his manager who hadn't noticed his presence yet.

Jimin often made Yoongi's life a personal hell. From dragging him to clubs late at night to dismissing the schedule he sent out to him every night and going accordingly to his own schedule. He was a total brat to sum it up. But despite how he treats his manager, he was very thankful for him too. Yoongi has been with him for the past two years now and he's gotten more done for him than any of his previous managers.

Walking over to his manager who was currently scrolling through an article about the star's past public relationships, he set his chin down on Yoongi's shoulder reading what he was reading.

"Ah, I miss Jungkookie. He was so much fun," Jimin said startling Yoongi.

Yoongi jumped slightly and glanced at Jimin, "Do you now? He was a fucking hassle to deal with when you broke up with him."

Jimin shrugged and stood up straight while sipping his coffee again.

He stared at his manager again and began to wonder. In all of 2 years, Yoongi has never seemed to fall for him. Jimin flirted with him with sexual innuendos constantly and he still seemed to be so disinterested in him. Why was that? Is it because Yoongi doesn't like Jimin? No one has ever disliked him and the thought of someone as close as Yoongi is to Jimin not liking him, scares him.

"Yoongi," Jimin said watching him get up from the couch.

"Yes," Yoongi answered picking up his coffee from the coffee table and taking a sip.

"Do you not like me?"

"We are late, we need to go," Yoongi said to him ignoring his question.

"No, answer my question," Jimin demanded not budging from his spot.

Yoongi sighed and glanced at the clock on the wall, "Obviously I have to like you, I wouldn't work as your manager if I didn't."

"Well, then would you date me?" Jimin asked bluntly.

Yoongi looked at him then the clock, "Can't this conversation be held until we get in the car?"

"No, answer," Jimin insisted.

"Even if I wanted to date you, wouldn't there be something in our contract that prohibits us from dating?" 

Jimin shook his head, "No, I don't recall anything like that in our contract."

"Then I guess no, can we go now?"

"Why no?" Jimin asked.

"Is this conversation seriously necessary right now?" Yoongi asked hinting they are late.

Jimin stood still waiting for Yoongi's answer.

"I guess it's because you just don't appeal to me, I don't know. Let's go now," Yoongi urged again.

Jimin stared at him. He doesn't appeal to him? Hm, it would be fun to put that to the test. Jimin has always liked challenges.

Jimin smiled and walked past Yoongi, "Let's go slow poke!"

Yoongi watched the model bewildered slightly at the change his attitude before following after him.

Jimin walked out his apartment happy with the thought of his new challenge in mind.

MANAGER // YOONMINWhere stories live. Discover now