“Can you tell me about Matt Remy?” She asks quietly, my heart sinks. I inhale deeply and exhale before I answer her.

“He was my creepy foster brother for a few years.”

“What do you mean by creepy? Did he…”            

“God no, he was creepy weird.”  She nods her head. Thank god she understands what I mean by that.

“Do you know why?” She’s obviously talking about the shooting. A part of me wishes I knew why Matt and his friends did what they did. The other part of me is glad I don’t know. Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing.

“I have no idea.” I tell her.

“How come we didn’t know of him?” She asks.

“We both agreed we didn’t want people to know we were orphans. So we pretended not to know each other, here, or at ‘home’.” I hate calling that place home. It wasn’t home it was a roof over my head.

“He also kept to himself while at school.” I add.

“Oh okay.” I watch her face as she processes everything. She goes from confused, to content, too happy in a matter of seconds.  I look down at my lap when my phone vibrates. I see it’s a text from Harry. He is annoying! I ignore his text and stuff my phone in my bag before looking back up at Em. She now has evil smirk plastered on her face. Uh oh!

“How long have you been living with Harry?” She wiggles her eyebrows. I feel the heat rise to my face.

“Since my birthday.” I tell her.

“That’s a month. You’ve been living with Harry for a month?” She states. She sits down in front of me.

“Uh, yeah.” I shrug.

“Are you two like a couple now?” she smiles so big I’m waiting for her face to split in two.

“NO!” I growl. We’re both taken back by my outburst.

“But I saw you two on New Year’s. He clearly likes you a lot.”

“He played, betrayed, and lied to me.” I snap.

“Hey I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on between you two.” Her hands are out in front of her in surrender.

“Sorry. I don’t want to talk about Harry.” I reply sadly.

“Oh I’m sorry…we don’t have to talk about him anymore.” She smiles.

“Thank you.” I sigh in relief.

“If you need to talk you know my number.” She smiles. I lean forward and pull her into a hug.

“Do you forgive me?” I whisper in her ear.

“Of course. You are my best friend I can’t stay mad at you forever.” She wraps her arms around me.

“Will Kayley and Ellie ever forgive me?” I pull away.

“I think so.” She smiles.

“I’m going to lunch with them later, would you mind if told them what we talked about?”

“Yeah that’s fine.” I tell her. We both stand up and she pulls me into another hug.

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too Em.” I sigh in relief… I have one friend back. We pull out of our embrace and pick up our bags just as the bell rings. Crap I still have one more secret I didn’t tell her.

“Em?” She looks at me with raised eyebrows.

“Don’t be mad, but I still have one more thing to tell you, but I’m just not ready yet.” I hesitate. I watched her closely waiting for her to get mad, but she doesn’t instead she smiles.

My Complicated Life! (AU Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now