✐ fifty-seven

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She turned beside her after hearing beeps.


She jumped again and turned to the sound. Jungkook was sitting next to her.

He had a huge smile on his face as she came to reality.

"Did I—"

He nodded. His eyes filled with tears which he blinked back. "You did it. Two of em."

Z quickly sat up, yet groaned in pain.


"Where are they??" Z looked around the empty hospital room. "What happened? Where's the kids and my mom?"

Jungkook stood up and grabbed her hand to calm her. "You fuckin' shat after you finished and knocked out. The nurses had to clean you up and change everything. But the babies are in the sanitation room, sleeping. The doctor said he wants to make sure they're good since they was born pre-maturely. The kids are with your fam. They all went to get some for them to eat."

After that full mouthful, all Z could say was, "I took a shit in front of everyone??"

Jungkook laughed and nodded. "You was in and out of it. They said it was normal, but that shit stunk bro."

She lightly pushed him, "Obviously. It was poop."

"My shit doesn't smell like that tho."

"I know, but your dick does."

He frowned and crossed his arms. "You're mean. Anyways, how you feeling?"

"Relief. My back hurts a little, but for the most part I'm fine. I'm tired from all that pushing."

Jungkook chuckled and sat down. "That's not why your back hurts though."

"What do you mean?", she lifted a brow.

"You know why your back hurts", he winked.

"Remind me", she crossed her arms, "because I don't."

"You don't remember last night?"

"Nothing happened last night."

"Oh okay. Well don't be surprised if you're pregnant in three weeks."

"Ew Jeon! You're—"


The door swung open, revealing Z's parents, brother, and the kids.

"She's awake!"



Hugged by all, Z genuinely smiled. She was relieved that the kids were here.

Jungkook picked each twin and propped them on the bed besides their mom. "Hi babies. Did you see your new brother and sister yet?"

The twins nodded with excitement.

"Small Uhma."

"And fah."

The adults erupted with laughter.

"Home uhma?"

Jungkook smiled, "We're gonna go home, but mommy has to stay here with the babies!"

The boys whined. "Why Uhma?"

Zaheeda smiled and smoothed back their hairs. "Mommy's tired. But, I'll call you guys when you get home okay?" She sat up to give them kisses.

"Bye Uhma!"


Z's mom walked over to the bedside. "I'll stay with you tonight while Jungkook stays with the twins."

"Okiedokie. Just make sure the nurses know I want to see my babies."

Jungkook kissed her forehead. "I love you. I'll text you when I get home. Your bag is over there."


After ten minutes of goodbyes, the room was finally silent. Z's mom sat down with a smile on her face.

"How you feelin'?"

"Restless", Z sighed. "I can't have anymore kids. I'm way too tired."

"4 kids, Z. That's a lot."

"I know ma." The young girl laid back comfortably. "I haven't told Jungkook yet, but I'm looking to get a job. He wants us to all move to Korea, but honestly I think it's better for all of us. But it'll be a cultural shock for Haneul and Jaeyong."

"And you of course."

"Ma, I'm not thinking about me-"

"I know, but sometimes you have to include yourself in the equation."

"-it'll be a great career move for him, but...I don't know. How are we so sure it'll work? Things don't always work out for us."

"I know. Yet, that's life. You think your dad and I had everything handed to us easily? You two are still maturing. Just talk it out and see what he says."

"I tried talking it out, but he isn't listen to me. I really don't know."

"Well, you still have time before the infants are old enough to travel."

"It'll go by fast. I'm always rushed."

ooo, should they move to
Korea or no? and why?

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