"Bro!" he yelled happily, turning to Bakugo, who hadn't moved and was watching him with a disinterested expression. Kirishima held up the hair dye, as if Bakugo wouldn't know what he was so excited about. "I thought I was gonna buy it!"

"Tch," Bakugo averted his eyes, strolling inside and kicking the door shut behind him. "You were taking too fucking long."

Not phased by his words in the slightest, Kirishima beamed at Bakugo. "Should we do it now?"

Glaring, Bakugo was next to Kirishima quicker than the red-head could keep track of, snatching the box out his his hands. "Yes," Bakugo muttered, tone portraying that he thought it was the most obvious thing ever. Not that Kirishima disagreed - this stuff took forever.

There was a moment of silence, where both boys just stared at each other. Kirishima's eyes wandered freely, taking in the way Bakugo's jaw was set, the way his eyes were fiery with intensity, the way the corner of his lip twitched when he was totally still, like it couldn't contain itself - until Bakugo shoved a finger towards the bathroom door. "Go wash your fucking hair."

"Right!" Kirishima exclaimed, jumping forwards and practically running into the en-suite. "I'll be right out!" Bakugo didn't reply, letting Kirishima rush past him and slam the door shut. Once inside, Kirishima felt the blush consume his face. It was hot and uncomfortable, and he couldn't figure out why it was there. Did he like...?

No, he told himself firmly. I have a soulmate. He paused. I...think...

Stripping himself of his clothes, Kirishima turned on the shower and waited 'til the water heated up, then slid inside and stood under the spray. He was only in there for a maximum of five minutes, but before long he could hear a loud succession of bangs on the bathroom door. "Hurry the fuck up, Shitty Hair! I haven't got all fucking day!"

Kirishima washed the last suds of conditioner out of his hair before replying with a hasty "Sorry!" only to find that a lot of the soapy water had run into his mouth, and he blanched at the taste. He spluttered a bit, tilting his head backwards to run water over his tongue, washing it about in his mouth before spitting it out. He repeated the actions a few more times until the taste diminished, although it still resided somewhere, before he twisted the knob and the water shut off. Making sure there was a towel, Kirishima hopped out of the shower and rubbed viciously at his hair before he deemed it dry enough, then wrapped the material around his waist and unlocked the bathroom door.

Bakugo was lounging on his bed, body spread out over the mattress. He wasn't doing anything, just staring blankly at the wall. When Kirishima emerged, his eyes snapped over there, narrowing slightly. "Are you finally ready?"

Kirishima barked out a laugh. "Bro, at least let me get changed!"

Bakugo made a noise of discontent as he turned away, bringing his arms up only to let them drop heavily back on to the comforter. Kirishima watched, entranced, as his muscles rippled beneath Bakugo's pale skin with the movement, the sight momentarily distracting him, until that voice returned.

You like him.

He jerked to the left with a start, blushing as he saw Bakugo's head snap to face him out of the corner of his eye. Thankfully, the blond didn't question it, but did keep his stare on the red-head for a little longer - only when Kirishima (who was pretending not to notice) began to grab his clothes did he look away.

Once he had changed into some old, worn-out belongings, he turned back to Bakugo, who was now rummaging in the bag, pulling out all sorts from the bag that Kirishima didn't know he had bought in the first place. "Bro," he protested, moving over and picking up a brush, it's rubber bristles running over his fingers. "You didn't need to buy all this. I have bleach and stuff!"

14 Days | KiriBaku | BakuShimaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat