"I will assign Charles to train the children then." I said, "Thank you Alpha Bane, and inform all members of your pack to break up into their groups. Young wolves, older males, older females, and the children who have yet to shift." With that I left to go inform the Elites of my idea.

When I got inside the Pack house I noticed my team members sitting in the living room, Ryder had a bowl of oatmeal and an apple on his lap. "Here Aurora, you need to eat." I smiled at Ryder as he got up and handed me my food. Leave it to him to care about my health.

I sat down and ate my food quietly. I found it quite vulgar to talk while eating, once I finished with my oatmeal, Charles took away my bowl and returned with orange juice. He gave me a smile, I nodded my thanks and bit into my apple. It warmed my heart how much they cared about me. "I talked to Alpha Bane about training the females and the children." Eli and Josephine made a sound of protest about the children part, I held my hand up to silence them, "He agreed." I took a bite from my apple, allowing them to process this, "Charles, you will not be training the older males, instead you will train the children."

Charles nodded his head, but I could see the appreciation in his eyes. Charles's wife and children died because they did not know how to defend themselves.

I took another bite from my apple, then took a swig of orange juice, "I want you guys to get your groups to run first. I want to focus on that for a bit, they need to build endurance. Take them at separate times though. Eli, you get the older males to do five miles as soon as you get to them. Ryder, you will be training the young females and males, make them shift into their wolves to see how strong they are in wolf form. Josephine I want you to talk to the older females for a bit, inspire them to fight, then evaluate how they do in human form. Charles you teach the children defense moves first, focus on running on the weekends." They nodded their heads. "I will be checking on you guys, and helping out whoever needs it." I informed them. "Charles I will take the children running on the weekends."

"Aurora, do you want me to get the older males to run in their human or wolf forms?" Eli asked.

"Human, get them to build up endurance in human form." I said, "Ryder, once I tell you to get the young wolves to run, get them in their wolf forms. Most of them are newly shifted so I want them to be able to be strong in wolf form before we work on their human." I instructed Ryder.

"I'll wait a few days before getting the females to run." Josephine informed, she wasn't asking. I knew that Josephine was making the right choice, the females would have a hard enough time training I didn't want to discourage them by making them run. "I'll work on their dexterity first, and then on their agility." Josephine was smart, smart enough to be second in command if Eli chose Mia over us.

I nodded my head, "Good idea Josephine." I finished off my apple and orange juice, "Get going, I'll be there in a bit." I said walking into the kitchen to throw away the apple core, and wash my cup. Before going out to check up on them, I decided to stretch since my body was a little sore.

I heard someone come into the house, looking behind myself I realized it was Trina. I gave her a questioning look, "Aurora, can I train with the rest of the wolves?" She asked my nervously, not meeting my eyes.

"Of course." I responded, having Trina there would better our chance of teaching the females to train, "Go find Josephine and join her. I'll be there after I check up on Ryder." She gave me a grateful smile and scurried off to join Josephine.

I walked towards Ryder who was instructing to wolves on how to get the upper hand on the other. Once Ryder noticed me walking towards me he instructed the wolves to shift. Two girls. "Good morning." I said with authority ringing in my voice.

"Morning." They all muttered softly, not looking at me.

I huffed, they needed to toughen up if they were going to survive this training. "I said Good morning!" I yelled out.

They flinched back a bit, but stood up straight and said "Good morning." A little bit louder than before. Good enough I guess, they were basically pups anyways.

I nodded my head in approval, "Better. My name is Aurora Evermore and I am an Elite. We are here to teach you about fighting, defending yourself, and protecting your pack and family." I said watching as some of the males eyed me a bit lustfully, while a few girls gave me disgusted glares. I could tell most of the girls did not want to be here. Disgraceful. "Is there something on me?" I snapped at the ones who were looking at me. They shook their heads and their faces turned red.

I looked over the young wolves, "You." I pointed to a random young male shifter, who stood up with a tint of pink on his cheeks. "What is so funny?" I asked with narrowed eyes, hands on my hips.

"Nothing Miss Evermore." He answered, blushing deeply.

I was annoyed with the carefree attitude of these children, "Then what is it?" I snapped.

He looked down and began fidgeting under my heated glare, "N-no-nothing." He stuttered, "I just umm... think your pretty." He whispered the last part, his blush was getting a deeper shade of red.

I blinked in surprise and was about to say something when a growl was heard. Everybody stood up straighter and had fear and respect in their eyes, "The Elites are here to teach you how to fight, not how to flirt." Jace growled from behind me.

Can he go jump off a cliff or something? "Thank you Alpha Bane, but I can handle this." I said dryly, annoyed that he thinks he needs to stand up for me or something. Jace appeared next to me, the anger in his eyes softening a bit. "Anyways." I trailed on, "Show me what you got... you." I pointed to the same boy who earlier called me 'pretty'.

"Name?" Ryder asked with power and control evident in his voice.

The kid looked ready to faint, "Tomas, sir." He stuttered a bit.

"Punch me." I commanded.

He looked confused, then looked to the other young shifters. They all looked confused. "Step up." Ryder said, his voice dark.

Tomas stepped up slowly and stood in a weak fighting stance. He was about to swing, but I ducked and low-kicked his leg. He lost his balance and quickly fell. Pathetic. I shook my head in disappointment. "First thing you need to know, have a good stance. You didn't and the enemy could take you down easily." I said looking at him, then moving my gaze to everyone standing there watching. They all nodded and Tomas looked at the ground in embarrassment. I smiled softly at the poor kid and offered my hand.

He smiled gratefully and took it.

Once he was up I began to position him so he could have a proper stance, "Here, stand like this and you'll be fine." I held his waist and crouched down to adjust his feet. A couple guys whistled and made cat calls, causing Tomas to blush. I shook my head and looked at Ryder. "Wanna give them a demonstration?" I asked him.

Ryder shrugged his shoulders then shifted into chocolate brown wolf, "Ryder and I will show how to fight in wolf form." I informed the young shifters before shifting into my black wolf. We circled around each other, teeth bared.

Ryder was slightly bigger then me, but I was faster. I didn't go for his throat first because that would leave me open, instead I went for his legs. He moved out the way and aimed for my side, I twisted out of the way grabbing his side in my jaws. Ryder wretched himself free of me and bit my back leg causing me to fall.

I felt his weight on me, knowing that he was going to bite down on my neck I used all of my strength to twist my body underneath Ryder's.

Ryder wasn't expecting me to do that, so when I clamped my jaws around his throat he let out a growl of annoyance. We both shifted back into our human forms. "Don't ever let yourself get pinned under and opponent, and if you do then twist your body the way I did and clamp down on their throat, or leg if it's easier. If you happen to get your opponent's leg in your mouth rip it off. Not with your practice partner, but when in battle." I told them. I looked at Ryder, "You got this?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and told all of the young wolves to shift, then began instructing them on how to fight.

I decided to check on Josephine next.

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