Chapter 2

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I was extremely insecure those days. When the breaks started I always hid in the toilets. I would sit there and wait for the next lesson to begin. But the people bullying me found out about my plan. One day Lacey followed me to the toilets. I didn't realize it. But when I wanted to close the door of one of the cabins behind me she blocked it and started dunking my head in the toilet.

One day when I came home from school I went directly into the kitchen. I heard voices from the living room. I thought Marion was watching something on TV. I walked into the living room expecting to see her sitting on the couch. But it wasn't Marion. It was my parents. Fighting.
"You are supposed to do what I tell you!", my dad shouted. "I am your freaking wife! Not your bow! We are equal!" WHAM! Dad's hand smacked onto Mum's cheek. "Shut up! I forbid you to talk to me like that!" I felt tears dripping down my face. Why were they fighting? I sniffed. Dad turned around. His eyes looked nothing like I they used to be. He looked like he hated us all. Like he wanted to kill us. His hands were clinched into fists. "Go to your room, child!", he yelled at me slowly walking towards me. Mum grabbed his arm. "I'm not allowing you to talk to my daughter like that!" The person we called Dad those days turned around and hit her again. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I ran out of the living room trying to maintain my composure.
When I reached Marions and my room I shut the door and sat on my bed. I looked over to Marion who was lying on her bed. "Don't you hear Mum and Dad fighting?", I asked. She didn't look at me.
"Of course I do."
Why was she that calm?
"Doesn't it bother you? Don't you care if they fight? Dad even hit Mum! Don't you care if they probably get divorced?"
I started crying even harder. Marion looked at me. Shocked. She jumped out of her bed ran over to me and hugged me. Held me close. "I do care. But I don't think that we should get in between them. I feel like that would only make the situation worse."
I thought she was right. Maybe it would all be calm again. Maybe we would still be a happy family in the end. "Marion?", I whispered. "Yeah?", she replied. I swallowed. "There are a few girls at school. And they are bullying me for a few years." I shuddered. Marion hugged me even closer. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I am always there for you."
"I don't know. Maybe I was scared."
I don't know what I would have done without my sister those days. She was comforting me in each her possible way. I loved her and I felt safe with her.

The following days, Dad wasn't home very often. He would always "work". I was worried about Mum. She went really quiet. Didn't talk much. But whenever Marion and I were near her she would always try to make us believe everything was fine. Marion told Mum about me being bullied. The next day Marion and I went shopping. She told me that it wasn't important how you look but being yourself. But if I wanted to be accepted in school I needed to change myself. I needed to style myself like them. And I needed to behave like they did.

I hadn't left the house in years but I was kind of hyped up because that day I would change my life. First we went to a hair dresser. My hair was really long and greasy because I didn't take care of it. The hair dresser informed me about donating my hair. I needed to cut off at least 30 cm to be able to donate it. I donated 40 cm. Having shoulder long hair was really weird for me. I didn't cut my hair since I left kindergarten. But I was completely down for my new looks.
Then we went to Marions favorite shop. She wanted me to wear something cool. While she navigated through the shop I just followed her trying to not ruin everything. She picked out many different clothes. And some of them I wouldn't have even thought of touching.
"Try them on." she smiled at me and pointed to the cabins.

The next day in school I felt really awkward. I felt like everyone was staring at me. I was wearing a pair of black jeans, a mint top and black n white sneakers. it was only one of the outfits that Marion chose for me. "Relax", Marion said, "You look gorgeous. Now, you only need to feel gorgeous." The school bell rang. "I'll see you at lunch" Marion waved one last time at me then she made her way to class. I took a deep breath. Let's rock this. Walking through the hallway never felt that exciting. From the corner of my eye I could see Lacey, Chloe and Janice stand by their lockers. I could her them whisper "Did you see that?" "Is that Rania?" I was amazed by how surprised they were to see me in that completely new appearance of mine.

When I reached the classroom I took another deep breath. Then I heard a voice. "Rania." I turned around. Janice was standing in front of me. She looked at me. She appeared to be kind of shy and unsure. She cleared her throat. "Listen. I know you hate me but I honestly want to apologize. What Lacey, Chloe and I did was not acceptable. I want to make up for that. I'm celebrating my birthday at Carlo's Club this evening. I would be honored if you would be there." She looked at me. Hoping for me to answer. I was confused. Did she really just be nice to me? But was she really being honest? "Thank you for inviting me. But I'm not sure how far I can trust you." Wow great answer. I just told her that I hated her in a nice way. "Yeah. Sure. I hope that we can be friends one day. Maybe you change your opinion on the party. You're welcome to come.", she turned around and left. I'm so not going to that party. It's probably another way of the girls harassing me.
I was quite shocked that Marion was right. My new appearance really changed the way how people looked at me.

My last periods got cancelled so I got home earlier. The whole house was quiet. Strange. Maybe our parents weren't home yet. I was so used to them shouting at each other that i immediately realized the silence. I made my way to my room. When I passed our parents bed room - only our father was still sleeping there, Mum was sleeping on the couch - I heard voices. Then there was a load moaning. Was Dad hurting Mum again? I opened the door. Prepared for everything. But what I saw shocked me. There was Dad lying on the bed with a woman that I had never seen in my entire life. She had long straight blonde hair and she was wearing some expensive looking lingerie. They were breathing hard from kissing. I shut the door, ran to my room and locked the door.
This is not true.
Dad is cheating on Mum.
How did our life get this messed up?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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