What Happened that day with the car accident

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This is an explanation for the day I ended up in a car accident.

That night, I was hanging out with some friends from high school, we weren't drinking which was good. We were walking back to the train station when I noticed a car speeding towards the lights to the right of me. Unfortunately, I was the only one that noticed this car.

 Unfortunately, I was the only one that noticed this car

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It was a 2013 Ford Taurus, it was blue not black.

It was speeding through a red light at the time and became airborne thanks to the hill that the lights were on. My friends took notice to the car and started running to avoid said car. But one of my friends tripped and fell. As they got up the car was heading straight for them. So I did one of the best things I had ever done in my life and pushed them out of the way. After I pushed them away all I felt was something hitting me, being shoved through the air at high speeds and hitting some hard immediately. The car was flipped onto its sides while I laid across the road on the sidewalk.

This next part is what my friends told me the day I woke in the hospital.
(Also a bit gross, if it's a sensitive topic please stop reading from here)

Apparently the cops and ambulance were called, the driver of the Ford Taurus was taken away with minor injuries while I was loaded into the ambulance with my lower body completely broken, my knees where 180° and bones were sticking out. My arms were fractured  up-to my elbows. My fingers were snapped. My left shoulder blade was cracked, my right one wasn't. I had a massive lump on my forehead due to blunt force trauma and found out that my skull was fractured. My ribs were also cracked and had to be removed due to splintering of organs. My internal organs are fine except for my left lung being punctured by a piece of bone form my rib cage. It's always the left side of my body being f*cked.

Let's just say, I was in the hospital for quite for 3 days. I am bound to a wheelchair for a few months which means I cannot walk, run or do anything physical for these months. My hands are recovering but it's taking a while. As of writing those two author's note and typing this update, I have paused a lot of times due to my hands being in pain. Those author's note were already types thanks to brother while I am physically writing this one myself with him right beside me. New chapters might take a while to come out due to my hands but let's just say I have chapters already written for both stories with notes I've left behind for my brother. Along with the New story that in the works.

I'm sorry if you were expecting chapters that week, Life is unplanned and full of surprises. I'm doing fine as of typing this, just recovering very slowly along with some therapy to help my body to recover.

This has been your author Tomas 'Raorik' logging off.

P.S This is update has taken me 7 hours to type due to my hands screaming in pain.

P.S.S My real name is Tomas not Thomas, it's weird I know.

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