•Chapter 15•

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Felix Pov.

'They'll be here any minute! Come here everyone and wait with me!', I scream through the apartment.
Slowly everyone comes to the door, just to stand there, waiting for them to arrive. I think about 2 minutes pass, as suddenly the doorbell rings. I open the big door for the 5 girls and turn around to my band members.
'PLEASE don't let anything slip bros! Remember that they don't know about the band and control yourself! If everything goes well, we will get to know 5 amazing girls, but on a normal way, and not because of our fame!'
'Of course Felix! We already understood yesterday, I mean we all have a brain you know? And we are intelligent! We are able to use our brain and can think normally thoughts just like...', Chan begins.
'Yeah, I got it bro... you all understood and will control yourself...okay...then...let's do this!', I answer him.
All of us are quiet and so we can hear the familiar voices, that get louder, as they climb up the stairs.
Okay...here goes nothing...

Changbin Pov.

Everyone is quiet and we all are looking really nosy at the door, even Jeongin and Felix are obviously excited. Not a minute later we hear a knock at our front door. Jeongin takes a step forward and the door swings wide open and discovers...

Hyunjin Pov.

...5 really pretty girls, standing in front of us, their eyes as big as ours.
They are all hella pretty but the one...the one that stands in front of the others...she's just wow...

Minho Pov.

They are all as pretty as Jeongin and Felix said yesterday, but the one, that they were talking about all the time...Y/N...they were fucking right when they said she's special...I mean, I didn't speak to her since they arrived like 15 seconds ago, but I can feel that she has this something, that makes us all stare at her...

Y/N Pov.

As the door swings open, you see 9 Boys standing there, waiting for you to arrive...you take a closer look at them, just to notice, that they all are as handsome as Felix and Jeongin, but three of them catch your attention a bit more then the others...in the second you wanted to look closer, especially at these three, Felix begins to speak:'Hey Y/N! Michelle! Lena! Emily! Alina!', he says while hugging you all.

'This are my apartment mates! Let me introduce you to all to them', Jeongin says.
He takes your hand and leads you to the first man.
'This is Woojin, he's the oldest. Although that doesn't stop him from acting like a completely kid!'
'Well, THANK YOU JEONGIN for making me look like a completely fool! But it's nice to meet you girls! We are all very honored', Woojin smiles.
'Well, a bit of a fool is in all of us but that's what makes someone special, isn't it?', you say.
Woojin gives you a last smile as Jeongin already introduces you to the next one.
'This little cutie here is Seungmin. He's the second youngest here.'
'And who's the youngest then?', Emily asks.
Jeongin blushes a bit.
'I'm the youngest. But tomorrow is my birthday and we are going to stay up all night to celebrate into it. We also wanted to ask you if you will stay here over night so that you can celebrate with us...but that's not the point here right now!'
You look at Seungmin, and for a second, you get lost in his beautiful, deep eyes. He's one of the three...absolutely.
'It's nice to meet you..', you say to him.
But Jeongin already goes on with the next one.
'Next up is our little Minho here! He's the same fool as we all and a really fun guy to be around with', he continues.
With half of your thoughts still with Seungmin you smile at him.
He's cute too, they all are...where the hell are we?!
Is all you think while looking and smiling at him.
'It's an honor to meet you all', he says.
The row goes on.
'Here we have the one and only Jisung! He's the squirrel out of us and he's not only a fool...he's a completely creackhead!'
'Hey girls! I am happy to meet you!', he smiles.
You smile back at him, but you can't really say something because Jeongin is already on the next man to introduce.
'Say hello to the fabulous Chan!!! He's also known as Chris but don't you ever dare to call him like that! He'll kill you...just saying'
Chan punches him lightly in the arm.
'Hey Jeongin! Don't make me look like a monster in front of girls that pretty!', he laughs.
He completely hypnotize you and he has the same effect on you as Seungmin and Felix...
'Hey Girls! I already heard of you a lot!', he smiles.
'Oh really?', you look at Jeongin.
He smiles and begins to blush.
'Well...that's true...I'm not gonna deny it', he says.
You smile a last time at Chan and go on to the next one.
'Ladies and Gentleman....the famous Changbin has arrived!', Jeongin laughs.
'Hey! Nice to meet you!', Changbin nods.
'Yeah, really nice to meet you. I need to take a photo with you afterwards so that I can say I've met the famous Changbin!', you laugh.
'Jeongin, you did a really good job with Felix! I can already feel we all will have a fun time with these amazing girls!'
Jeongin nods proudly and goes on.
'And here, last but not least, we have Hyunjin! Don't fall for his good looks ladies! He's just as much of a fool as we are!'
'You can't introduce ANY of us just the normal way, right, JeOnGiN?', he laughs.
'Nope! You got me there!'
'Anyways, it's an honor for us to get to meet you all! After everything we have heard about you, you must be amazing people to be around with! I'm looking forward to get to know you better!', Hyunjin smiles.

After Jeongin introduced you to everyone, obviously proud, Felix takes the 5 of you and shows you around. And so the night moves on...
Hey out there! :)
This chapter is much longer as the others, I apologize, but today Jeongin introduced you to all his 'mates'!
I hope you still enjoy reading!
What will happen at Jeongins' party?
Seungmin, Chan and Felix are the three that catched your attention the most...what will wait for you with the three of them?
Find out, as always, in the next chapters!
Have a good morning, day or evening! xx


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