jisung hyung

today 9:20

i think seungmin doesn't like the
> idea of me and hyunjin hanging out
> did you see what he commented on hyunjins pic?

yeah I saw <
seungmin doesn't like
anyone hanging out with hyunjin <
and it's highkey annoying <

> what should i do at lunch?

wdym? <

>i wanna sit with hyunjin and you guys
but he's probably gonna start
>unnecessary drama

if he wants to start then he can start <
we're not gonna stop being friends with
someone just because he doesn't like them <
sit with us jisung <

> alright

Jisung sat with Jeongin, Hyunjin and his friends during lunch.

Seungmin seemed mad, he was probably going to text the group chat later. Felix didn't really seem to care.

It was the end of the day and Jeongin was waiting for Chan to come pick him up at the gate. He was taking longer than he usually does.

"Yang Jeongin!"

The said male looks to his left to see who was calling his name.

He sees a guy walking up to him. He looked really familiar.

"Where have I seen this guy before?"  "And you are?" He asks as the taller approaches him.


"Oh." Jeongin nods in understanding. "Oh yeah, he's Chan hyung's friend. He was at his house when we first met."

"Chan said for me to come get you." Jaebum said.

"Did he now?" Jeongin asked and looked at him. "He didn't text me anything."

"Well he told me, so let's go. My car is over there." The older said and took his keys out of his pocket.

"Let me just call Chan-"

"You don't need to do that, I've already talked to him." Jaebum said, I little bit irritated.

"Let's go." He mumbled then grabbed the younger's wrist and turned to walk in the direction of his car.

Chan was late picking up Jeongin.

He wasn't super late, but he was late enough that Jeongin would be standing outside waiting for him, and an easy target for anyone who wants to kill him.

Chan sped down the street, not even watching if the light was red or green, which leads him to his current situation.

"Are you crazy?! The light is red! We're you trying to hit me?!"

Some angry guy who he almost hit stood in front of his car and screamed.

"Are you even listening to me?!" The guy said and began walking over to the window.

"For fuck sakes." Chan mumbled. He really didn't have time to deal with some pissed off guy he almost hit.

He rolled down his window and looked at him.

"What?" Chan spat.

"You almost hit me, asshole."

"But I didn't."

"You think that just because you're rich and own a Lamborghini, you don't have to obey the traffic laws like everyone else?" The male said and folded his arms.

Chan couldn't believe this. This guy was talking like some angry old man when they looked around the same age.

"I could fine you, you know." The male said.

"Great, it's money you want, I'll give it, just leave me alone please. I'm in a rush." Chan said.

"Okay fine. Let's exchange numbers then I'll tell you what I legally decide to do." He said.

"Alright." Chan groaned.

They exchanged numbers and Chan quickly drove away, not listening to what else he had to say. He could deal with him later.

He briefly read the contact name and rolled his eyes.

kim woojin (pedestrian you almost hit)

He turned off his phone then continued on his way to Jeongin's school.


1020 words 🤪

hitman || jeongchanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora