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Kim Taehyung

I frown as Minki does not let Jungkook off the hook even after I almost tore his throat off his ugly ass body.

Jungkook and I have been helping the captured omegas build their huts on the pack's land and I want to make Minki leave. Yes Jungkook looks fucking sexy cutting wood with an axe but that does not mean Minki should stare at him.

On top of that the idiot oblivious Jungkook did not even remark Minki's stare on him. I sigh and continue cutting some wood in front of me, letting all my anger on it. My jaws clench as I remember Minki's stare on my mate.

One more hit and the log breaks in two violently flitting in the air. I heavy breath and ruffle my hair to try and calm myself down.

"Woah woah there what's wrong Taehyung ?" Yoongi hyung asks, sweeping the sweat off his forehead as he holds a wood log in his hands. He huffs, obviously tired from helping us out.

"Nothing." I simply reply and continue with my designated work. He stares at me blankly and then starts to ignore me.

"Fine. If you want to deal with your shit alone then that's your choice. Don't come crying to me when Jungkook gets another omega." I groan and throw a chunk at him as he swiftly dodges it. He already knows about Minki that piece of shit.

"What's your solution Einstein ?" I mock and he raises a brow at me and ignores me. I roll my eyes and whine as he turns his back to leave me alone.

"Please Yoongi don't be a brat." I reproach as he scoffs out of complete disbelief. He sits down on the green grazing lawn. He looks as pissed off as me.

"That bitch tried to get close to Hoseok last night so I have a solution." He grins darkly, his 'scary' aura looking deadly cute to me. I lie down next to him, loving the feeling of being in the wild nature.

"Continue." I respond, my eyes slowly starting to close as my whole body feels heavy out of tiredness. My body relaxes and my surroundings become a blurry mess.

"Let's kill him." My eyes burst open and I regained all of my lost consciousness. He is not even joking. Joking is not a part of Min Yoongi. He only smiles when he is around his mates for fuck's sake.

"That's not a solution Yoongi. And here I though you would have a brillant idea." I sigh and thrash around, feeling idiot for believing in that mint haired guy.

"What other idea do you want me to have ? That Minki guy did not want to go away from Hoseok until he saw his mating mark and we all know you can't put one on Jungkook." He almost yells out of frustration. I almost forgot the bad temper of this short hyung.

I pout as I already know that I won't be able to show to Minki that Jungkook and I are mated. As much as I love my sexy alpha I am not yet ready to face the rejection of my pack. If only Jungkook would let me mark him.

I smirk as I plot a whole plan inside my head. Jungkook would not let me mark him if I asked. Well then I don't need to ask. That's the least he could do for trying to forcefully mark me when we first met.

"For some reasons I don't like that evil smile on your face. Don't make bunny boy throw you out of the pack house." One. Two. Three. I burst out into a laughing fit at the ridiculous nickname

"D-Don't worry I have a plan Y-Yoongi." I respond, holding my stomach and laughing my ass off. The serious face Yoongi made while saying that nickname was just purely hilarious.

"What plan ?" My eyes widens as I hear the lethal voice of my intoxicating mate behind me. I stare at Yoongi requesting help with all my might with my pleading puppy eyes. He nods negatively as if telling me to deal with my shit alone.

"N-Nothing." I bite my lips and look away from Jungkook. He is a complete hot mess in front of me. His face is similar to a cute baby bunny but his toned abs showing from his white -soaked in sweat- shirt contradicts it.

"I am sure it's not nothing. Is something bothering you hyung ?" I almost cackle at his sudden respect to me but refrain myself as he is completely serious while talking to me.

"I'm completely fine. Just a little bit tired." I close my eyes and relax as he seems to buy the excuse.

"Jimin hyung said he has a gift for you. He left it in our room." I tilt my head trying to think about an occasion in which I would be receiving a gift.

"I'll go check it out." I give Jungkook a quick smile and run to our room to find a pastel pink box evident on my bed. I excitingly dash to it to find a small note on top of it.

"There's no reason why I gave you this gift but I know you secretly wanted it. Enjoy TaeTae ;)" I place the note next to the box and ruffle the parchment papers inside to find lingerie. Dark blue lingerie.

"The mochi just made my job easier."

To Be Continued
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