Jess is standing in the doorway when Kiera looks up. The blond leans against the doorframe, looking amused. “Nice catch”


She flicks a hand at Chase, looking both indifferent and regale. As a kid Keira had admired her sister’s easy smile and pretty hair, the way she seemed so comfortable everywhere. Now Kiera can see the flaws, like the slightly chubby cheeks, and how one eye seemed to have a blue hue to it. She suspected Jess was slightly blind in the right eyes, but says nothing.

Her sister also had a husband who didn’t particularly fit in with everyone, but with Jess being so charismatic it really didn’t matter. They got along well, and from what Kiera knows, have never had a fall out.

“He’s a keeper” Jess winks.

Glancing back at Chase she looks him over. Messy honey brown hair, skin neither tanned nor pale. He not really an attention catcher. He was just another wolf, unlike Kadar with his hard chiselled chest, black hair and vivid green eyes, or Dermot’s deathly pale skin contrasting with the black endless eyes. Hell, even Romilda caught more attention. He seemed nothing special in comparision.  “How?”


The other girl barks a laugh. “Oh, Kiera. You’re funny”

A rumble prickles in Kiera’s chest. She squashes the annoyance. “I was being serious”

Jess glances over a slime shoulder, eyes narrowing slyly as she turns away. “So was I. He’s a keeper; for you. He’d do me little good. He’d do nothing for Romilda. Just remember that a relationship comes with give and take, you selfish little brat,” Jess winks with a grin.

With nothing to say, Kiera watches her sister waltz out of the room. Turning back to Chase, Kiera pouts. Everyone keeps saying her and Chase are prefect, or are meant to be, that the Alcrest’s pick partners a certain way. She can’t see it. Chase was so cowardly, so reserved and fearful. Everything he did was influenced by others. Keira was so much more wolf than girl. She wasn’t fearful, she wasn’t easily brushed off. Her emotions most of the time are on full display; her hatred loud and clear.

They weren’t opposites. But they weren’t similar either. Both wolves, both wishing they could hide things better, both fighting for something. And yet, Kiera just wanted to rip apart Revokers, while Chase was more than content to bounce around playing. Kiera was aggressive, and Chase passive.

To her, they seemed like a puzzle trying to work out which pierces were which, who went where. It wasn’t even half complete yet.

She doesn’t see a connection like she saw in other. Cody balanced out Kadar too eager, too implosive side. And Alex calmed Romy with his easy go attitude. Even Jess pulled her husband from the edge of the community into life.

She has been staring at him a while before Chase finally stirs. With a stretch he lets out a loud yawn. Only when he sits up does he glance around, eyes still half closed. “Sorry, I fell asleep…is something burning?”

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