11 ;; strawberry fields

Start from the beginning

"It was fine, y'know, have a lot of study to do this week.." she shrugged, gazing up at him with a smirk. "I'm going to make an educated guess and say you didn't go to school today?" 

"You guessed right," He laughed. "had better things to do."

"What 'better things to do' does John Lennon have, exactly?" 

"Anythin' other than work." He shrugged. 

"Oh- did you hear about Colin's party this Friday?" She brightened as the two of them reached the diner, squeezing their way inside. "Do you want to go together?"

He chewed his bottom lip anxiously. He had to say no; he couldn't lead her on anymore. "Uh.."

"What?" She paused and turned to look at him as they stood near the counter. 

"I need to talk to you first, Cyn," he sighed. "it's important."

"I hope I'm not in trouble!" She joked, albeit staring at him in concern for a few moments before turning to the counter. "what're you gonna get?"

"I'll just get a chip butty. You?" He was thankful for the change of subject, and he dug his hands through his pockets for some money. 

"I'll have some chips and a milkshake, please." 

"Comin' right up," He made his way up to the cashier and ordered the food; the girl at the counter took the money from his outstretched hand and he went back to stand next to Cyn as they waited. 

"Oh, yeah- apparently your performance yesterday was amazing!" She beamed at him in admiration. "I'm sad to not have seen it." 

"It was great," John let a smile crawl across his face. "You shoulda seen George. Absolute prodigy. I bet he's gonna make it big in the future."

"Really? He doesn't look it." Cynthia raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"He came to the academy on scholarship, of course he's gotta be a genius." He shrugged. 

Cynthia seemed like she was about to reply until the cashier called their names, so they fell silent as they took the food with a thanks, turning to leave the diner. Once the pair had emerged into the crisp air, they set off for the docks.

"What is it you want to talk to me about?" She took a sip of her strawberry milkshake, turning to look at him expectantly.

"Um.." John grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "let's get to a spot away from other people first." He looked around at the passersby. This is gonna be hard. 

"Okay.." she trailed off, looking more nervous than before. For the rest of the trip they ambled on in a somewhat comfortable silence; they came across Stuart and Colin with a few other boys John didn't recognise on their way, but their interaction wasn't much more than a few "oi mate's" and "see you Friday!" before they went their separate ways. John sent Stuart a grateful smile, as if in thanks for him being the only one of the group of kids they hung out with that defended him during the whole Kevin fiasco, and the boy replied with one back and a wave to let him know he knew.

"I'm so excited for the party!" Cynthia grinned before turning to him with a smirk, waggling a finger in front of him jokingly. "But you better not start any fights this time, Lennon."

"No promises." He chuckled. "It's me brand."

"Not the best brand to have."

"Eh, I mean.. I don't start fights that much. The Kevin thing was the only time I punched first like, all year. I only punch them if they're dickheads." John shrugged, taking a bite of his chip butty. "I start them by talkin' shit to 'em."

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