The Beginning of The Last

Start from the beginning

As the three were sitting in the car, the engine was running and Tracy had stuck the radio on, the discussion in the car started.

"So, boys, are you looking forward to your last year of school before going off to university?" Tracy asked.

"Yeah." The two answered shortly in unison.

"Do you know which uni you want to go to, Jarryd?" she asked, "I know Kane wants to go to University of Glasgow, just down the road, or perhaps University of Sterling."

"I'll probably apply to the same one's." Jarryd spoke up.

"How are your grades? I know they can be quite difficult to get into. This year is the last chance for both of you to shine!" Tracy said as she looked in her rear view mirror, it was almost as if she had seen a ghost as she swerved to the pavement and stopped the car, screeching her breaks.

"Jesus mum! What the hell was that?!" Kane asked.

"Nothing, I thought I saw-" She cut herself off, looked around at both of the boys who were in shock, "Nothing, do you two know the way from here?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's just around the corner. Are you okay mum?" Kane asked his mother as she started rummaging in ther purse, pulled out her wallet, handed Kane and Jarryd ten pounds each.

"This should get you both home safely. Get yourself some lunch, both of you! I don't want to hear from your mother that I didn't feed you properly Jarryd." She smiled as the two boys took their bags and got out the car.


The boys rushed their way into the main hall of the school and watched as all the new first-year students arrived at the high school.

"Jeez! Twelve year old's are getting tall these days!" Jarryd snickered in Kane's ear.

"Yeah, I don't even think I was half as tall as that one over there when I was his age!" Kane grinned, pointing to one of the taller new students wearing bright red ties.

"Eugh, thank god we don't have to wear those ugly ties anymore. I quite like the black tie with the gold stipes." Jarryd said to Kane, playing with his tie in his hand as a teacher walked past slapping him on the back of his  head.

"Now Jarryd, don't ruin the good look of a mature student like yourself by playing with your clothes." Mrs Gibson spoke aloud before walking away to the teachers common room infront of the office.

"Jesus! I swear that woman must be at least a hundred years old! I heard she was teaching my mum's parents! And someone else's grandad how to ride a horse. That bitch must be a vampire."

"Dude! You can't say that! What if she hears you?!" Kane said, his jaw dropping.

"If who hears what?" Carren asked as she approached the boys, who hadn't seen her since the night of the party at Andy's flat.

"You've got some nerve to try and talk to us Carren." Jarryd spoke up.

"What? But I thought we would have forgotten that over the holidays."

"Carren, suck a dick and save a lolipop!" Kane said wryly, his face lacking any form of emotion whatsoever.

"Fuck you, faggot!" She prodded Kane in the arm, "Who are you anyways? His body guard? His boyfriend? Ooh Jarryd has a boyfriend." she teased, pointing fingers between the two boys.

"Fuck off! Go waste your time with people who care to talk to you." Jarryd said coldly.

"Jesus, okay, I was just messing about." Carren said to them before turning around, "Oh and Jarryd, just so you know, Chris was better than you at everything." She said winking back at him as she walked away.

"Fuck you! Stop messing with his head!" Kane shouted back to her, looking over to see if Jarryd was okay.

"Don't worry about her, man." Kane said.

"She's just a skank, I don't care what she thinks." Jarryd lied. 'Really? Chris was better than me? Nah. No Way. The bitch is just psycho, she's trying to get into my head.'

"You sure?"

"I'm sure Kane, drop it." He said, picking his bag up as the bell rand for the first period, "What you got first anyways?"

"English, with Mr. Radnor." Kane said, rolling his eyes.

"Me too."

The first day back was nothing too exciting and not much to remember in regards to the two young men. The first day in the last year of high school. The boys were senior students, however they couldn't help but feel something was wrong.


The two boys finished school and headed to the shops at the the back of the school, they bought a sandwich and a bottle of fizzy juice each and headed to the bus stop.

"Hey do you wanna stop by my place?" Kane asked, "My mum's working late and I'll just call your mum from the landline and tell her you're at mine for a joint project?"

"Yeah, why not!" Jarryd agreed, smiling.

It was just the two of them at the bus stop until another kid from the school arrived, one of the third years, Kyle Bates. This kid was trouble, he was always getting into fights and Jarryd had heard from a girl at school that this kid had a criminal record for having sex in public, aggravated assault and shoplifting. Minor, stupid, crimes. However they were crimes nonetheless.

"What are you looking at?" Kyle snapped as he caught Kane looking in his direction.

"Nothing." Kane said, looking away

"I thought so!" Bates snapped again.

"What the hell is your problem?" Jarryd asked, "He didn't do anything, all he did was look at you, and by the sound of things you need to go for some serious therapy."

"Who the fuck are you? And he looked at me, is he a faggot or something?"

"Seriously, what the hell is your problem?! He's not a fa-" Jarryd stopped there, "That is a disgusting word you know, you really shouldn't use it!"

"Why do I care? Faggots are gay, my dad says they should all be lined up and shot."

The moment Bates finished his sentence, the blood ran cold in both Kane and Jarryd. 'Jeez! This kid really is crazy. At least now I know where it comes from. His father must also be some kind of psychopath too!'

"Do you listen to everything your dad tells you? Because you know what they say kid?"

"What do they say? Enlighten me."

"Woah, you actually used a big boy word there." Jarryd started, "They say there is nothing more ignorant than a man who doesn't know the extent of his own ignorance."

"And what does that mean?" Bated asked, confusion stamped on his face.

"It means you kid." Kane spoke up then, "So why don't you go home and tell your daddy that his opinion is outdated and medieval, he should probably keep it to himself, and these-" Kane stopped to make incerted comma's with his fingers, "Quote, unquote Faggots, have rights, and words like that can have not just you, but him arrested too!"

Bates just stopped, looked at the two boys in awe and shut his mouth. Nothing was said, and no discourse was made between them all until the two boys, Kane and Jarryd, got off the bus around the corner from Kane's house.

Jacob's Legacy {Book 2: ADKOR series}Where stories live. Discover now