Chapter Thirty: Gift

Start from the beginning

     "You must wake up now and get to work. You have a lot to prepare for." She said like a true warrior. "Promise me you will not give up. Promise me you will keep fighting.

     I sighed in content, "I promise."


"You want to what?" Percyus asked sassily.

"You heard me." I answered back, figuring if he could have an attitude I might as well let Walla have one too.

"I'm not letting that traitor out of his cell." He growled. "What part of him poisoning you and nearly killing you don't you remember?"

"He didn't do it! That's what I've been trying to tell you! He was tricked."

"The answer is no, Calla." Percyus turned away, fixing the papers on his desk.

The Moon Goddess told me to let Lorenzo go, I was going to let him go whether Percyus likes it or not. I slammed my hands down onto the desk with a sudden rage, making him look up at me in shock. His jaw was set, but his eyes were wide. I'd never slammed anything, or given him much attitude, but he was making me really angry. If the moon goddess told me I had to step up, that meant I had to be tougher, take what I want. Let Walla make me stronger. "Let him go. He was tricked!"

His chair screeched on the floor as he suddenly stood up, following my actions and slamming his hands on the desk, putting us face to face. "I don't give a shit. He still poisoned you, and until you have proof, he isn't going anywhere." I could feel his warm breath wash over my cheeks.

I grind my teeth together, "Mother fucker."

His eyes turned darker, more dangerous, "Don't test me, Calla."

Walla snorted in the back of my mind, Test him.

"Let him go, now!" I ordered.

He sneered, leaning closer. "Or what?"

"I'll do it myself." I challenge.

His biceps flex in his arms, the muscle in his jaw ticking twice. "You don't want to play with me, Calla. I may act nice around you, but don't forget who I am. I don't negotiate."

"Too fucking bad." I spat, a growl following my words. It shocked me nearly as much as if did Percyus, who dropped his tough guy act long enough for me to see it.

He went back to the façade, "Where's the attitude coming from?"

Up your ass and to the left, fucker. Walla shouted,

"I need to be more confident in myself. Take what I want and not be a pushover." I said.

"So mouthing off is your idea of confidence?" He asks, his dark brow raising.

"No," I smiled, snatching up the keys he'd left lying on the desk. "This is." I turned on my heel and hurried out of the room.

My heart was pounding the second I ran from the room at break neck speed. I had never, ever done something so outrageously stupid. With that said it gave me such a rush of confidence, and immediately fell in love with the feeling. I sprinted down the hall, hearing him call after me angrily. I swung myself around the corner and started fumbling down the steps, my feet working hard to stay upright. "Calla, don't you dare!"

I knew he was gaining on me, as I could hear his quick, heavy steps chase after me. He was in far better physical condition, as I had barely ever ran, I already had an aching side. I had made it to the door to the dungeon when it suddenly swung open in a pure feat of luck. I blasted by the guard trying to exit, nearly sending him reeling down the flight of stairs. He was holding a cup of water carefully balanced in his one hand, the other pushing the door. The water splashed all down onto his shirt. "Oh my, I'm sorry!" I cried over my shoulder.

"No, Calla!" Percyus hollered, pushing the guard out of the way by force, making him slam against the steel door, the water dousing him a second time.

I had just made it to the cell, Lorenzo looking up in confusion. He looked incredibly shocked, but I didn't let him even begin to speak. "Turn around, quickly!"

I could hear Percyus thud down the stairs, "Calla, please!"

Percyus caught up to me right as I put my glowing hand on on Lorenzo's back.


Thank you for reading!


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