Chapter 8

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"Sissy?" Enrique asked
"I missed you so much Enrique!" She said as she hugged after stopping her pacing.
"Claire are you ok?" Jim asked
"No I'm not and I don't want to talk about it because you might get mad" Claire snapped "Sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that"
"It's okay"
She suddenly gasped and pulled her phone out. She held it to her ear.
"C'mon c'mon pick up Toby... quick" she muttered
"Hello?" She said
"Oh yes do not bring the... you know what down" she said making sure Jim didn't know what it was.
"Why? Because I don't want you to bring them!" She snapped
"Ok ok ok I get it, get someone to look after them"
"Good, bye"
She sighed
"Who are 'you know who'" Jim asked unsure
"Ummmm... I don't wanna talk about it"
"Okay it's fine I'm just happy to see your face again"
"I am too"
Since Enrique has gone with Blinky, Vendal and Arrrggg they started to lean closer. And closer. And closer until she could feel his nose against hers and his breath against her skin. Then they closed their eyes, their lips met, and the whole world dissolved. It was only them left. No one else mattered. His hands slid around her waist and her hands tied around his neck and ruffled his hair. His tongue was begging for entrance into her mouth needing to feel her again after 4 years. Just as she was allowing entrance somebody cleared their throat...... and by someone I mean Toby.
"Ummm Claire who is this?" He asked awkwardly
"Toby how could you not recognise your own best friend" His eyes widened in realisation "saying that I didn't recognise it was Jim either so... yeah"
"J-jjim?" Was all he managed to get out
"Tobes?" Jim asked
Toby ran and hugged Jim so tight he couldn't breath.
"Tobes I might need to b-bb-breath soon!" He said
"Oops sorry" he replied "Is this why you didn't want me to bring the kids?" He whispered to Claire. She nodded.

Hey guys! I've done my best at writing this but it's not that good since it's my first fanfic! Sorry😔

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