Chapter 5

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3 Months Later
Claire is 6 months along and all her clothes are too small. Her mother and father found out and weren't too pleased but soon agreed and soon she's finding out the gender.
Claire is on her way to the hospital with Toby and Darcy when they see Blinky.
"Blinky what are you doing here you know you can't be seen!" Toby whisper-yelled to Blinky while pushing him behind a building.
"I heard Miss Claire was going to the doctors and wanted to see if she was alright" Blinky whisper-yelled back.
"I'm fine Blinky just a bit nauseous and tired because of the baby. But otherwise.........I'm fine. I just want Jim to be here to find out he gender even though he doesn't even know the baby exists!" Claire replied.
"We've got to get going now or we'll be late! Bye Blinky!" Darcy said
"Bye!" He replies while waving his four hands rapidly making it look funny to watch.
Toby, Darcy and Claire finally managed to get to the hospital and went to the reception.
"I've got an appointment with Doctor Lake" Claire said to the receptionist lady.
"Name?" The lady replied.
"Claire, Claire Nuñez" Claire replied.
"Okay you can go in she's just finished with a patient and is expecting you" the lady said bored stiff.
"Okay, thank you" Claire said
"Can you guys stay here? I'll be back in a bit" Claire asked.
"Sure Claire, since it is your baby" Darcy replied smiling warmly at the girl.
"Thanks" Claire Said
"No prob" Toby answered.
Claire walked into the room where the grandmother of her baby is.
"Ahhhh, Claire you made it" She said
"Why wouldn't I, Ive been dying to see the baby for ages!"
"Okay lets get you started then"
Claire then lies on the hospital bed and lifts up her top so then Dr Lake can rub the jelly onto her belly. She then takes the scanner and gently moves it around on Claire's belly to show her the baby.
"What's that?" Claire asks pointing to what looks like another baby.
"Dear, that's another baby! I believe you are having twins!"
"Oh my god, oh my god!"
"Claire, breath in, breath out"
"Okay but now I've got two of Jim's kids inside me"
"I know. Do you want to know their genders?"
"Okay so this one looks like a............ Girl!"
"And this one looks like a......... boy! Congratulations!"
"Thanks I was actually hoping to have a boy and a girl if I wasn't having twins in the future!"
"Now all you need to do is get the things you need for the baby and to think of names. Would you like a copy of the ultrasound?"
"Yes please!"
"Here you are" Dr Lake handed Claire the ultrasound
Claire left the room and found Toby and Darcy suiting in the waiting room.
"Hey guys!" Claire said
"Oh hey Claire" Toby replied
"Hey" Darcy said "Did you see the baby and get the ultrasound?"
"Yes I did, do you want to see it?"
"Of course we do!" Toby exclaimed
Claire handed them the ultrasound.
"Is that......another baby!" Darcy questioned
"Yes I'm having a boy and a girl!"
"Ohhhhhh, Congrats!"
"Awesomesauce!" Toby said

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
~AwesomeRain123 😘

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