Chapter 1

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After the battle with Bular, Jim is going to enter the portal to the Darklands in order to save Claire's baby brother, Enrique.
"Jim! Wait I need to tell you some-" Claire was cut of when Jim walked into the portal and closed it allowing the only entrance to the Darklands close before their very eyes. Claire fell to her knees and sobbed quietly while mumbling:
"I'm pregnant"
No one heard her mumbles and she was glad, although the love of her life just left and she might never see him again. Toby walked over to his friend and patted her back while she was sobbing.
"It's gonna be okay, he's gonna be back" he kept saying as though he was trying to convince himself.
Blinky, Draal and Aarrrggg were struggling too. Blinky has just lost the closest thing he had to a son.
Draal had lost a good friend.
Aarrrggg had lost his wingman's best friend.

Hey guys! Sorry 'bout the short chapter but couldn't really think of anything else! Also I think it leaves a good cliffhanger, don't you think? Enjoy the rest of the story!

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