Chapter One

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 "Son of a bitch!" I quietly hissed as my computer went from functioning as a normal computer to a dark blue screen. I angrily typed on the keys of the keyboard and clicked my mouse. I wanted to scream to the whole world; however, I couldn't as people were  beginning to hear my angry clicks. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed deeply; I was royally screwed. Tomorrow was the meeting that could make or break me; I needed the damn promotion, and Sandra Miller was not going to take that away from me.

"Lilian? Are you okay there?" asked one of my coworkers, Lydia Hill  who had adopted concerned face and looked between me and the evil, uncooperative computer.

"No.",I grumbled as I motioned to the computer, which seemed set on destroying my chances of ever getting the promotion. It was as if the universe was set on me not accomplishing my goal in this very moment.

Lydia pursed her lips and motioned me to move over, and I did. I was confused, but she began clicking random numbers and letters on the computer. It felt like an eternity, but she was finally able to fix the damn computer. I was relieved when the blue screen dissipated and my presentation came up uninterrupted.

"Oh my god! Lydia, you are a freaking life saver! I didn't know you were good at computers!" I exclaimed while hugging her. Her brown eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just something I picked up here and there," she responded while smiling. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you around Lilian."

I waved at her as she walked to the elevator, and then looked at the computer with determination. The clicking noise began again.

 Everything around me dissolved as I was engrossed in the presentation. I didn't even realize that it was already 9 o clock at night. Everyone had left home, except the boss and me. I hear people call me a workaholic, but honestly, I couldn't give two fucks. I viewed myself to be the best of the, best and slacking off wouldn't get me to the position I wanted for years. I wanted to be the Vice President of this company.

"Lilian? What in god's name are you still doing here?" a voice behind me asked. I turned to see my boss standing there with a confused look and who was looking at the computer that was in front of me.

"Mr. Andrews! I wasn't aware you were still in the building," I countered, trying to move the topic away from myself.

He raised a grey eyebrow."Lilian, it is a Friday night, why are you still here?", he asked catching onto what I was trying to do.

"Ring ring!", sounded a phone.My boss looked down at his phone, and his face went white.

"Shit!" he exclaimed and quickly walked to the elevator. He turned slightly. "Lilian go home!"

I just nodded and laughed a little. His wife was calling. She was some firecracker. I sighed and decided to take his word and go home. I quickly emailed myself the presentation and notes to look over on Sunday. I logged out and shut down the computer. I shoved my belongings in my purse and looked at my phone, only to find that I was being bombarded with 20 missed calls and 30 text messages from different people.

I glanced at some of the messages.

Victoria: Lily! Pick up! I have some juicy news!

Victoria: Lilian! Pick up the damn phone, you will never guess what happened!!

Victoria: God damn it WOMAN PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE.

Evil Sister: Lilly! Guess what?!

Mom: Lilian, Guess what?!

I groaned at the rest of the messages, I really didn't want to hear gossip from anyone and went into the elevator that went ding! I was already getting annoyed with the sloppy smell of dog in the building. I wanted to die every time, but work is work.

Oh right!

You don't know.

Thousands of years ago, it was said that my great ancestor casted a powerful spell on a man who had killed thousands of people. The man was then turned into a werewolf, he was angry and he was feral. Interestingly enough the spell had something even my ancestor didn't know about. He was able to find a destined mate to be with forever. He soon found her and they began to populate many small pups, who were born human at first and then when they turned 13 transformed into their wolves. Witches, who were opposed of the curse wanted to prevent that from happening; they viewed werewolves as a nasty disease just like vampires who wondered the planet. And so they set their sights on destroying them[ werewolves]. And since then it has still persisted; at least it has calmed down but many still believe that they should be wiped out. 

I am a witch, well a workaholic witch. Who finds herself in a company full of werewolves. The funny thing? No one knows I am a witch, instead, they think I am a human. So, that gives you an idea of how much danger I am just being here..




I hope you like this book, it is the last time I re-edit this book and I have changed some things, but I truly hope you all will like it. I still suck at grammer and if someone want's to be my editor I will forever be thankful. However, I doubt that'll happen please leave any feedback.

Thank you all.

Please Vote or Comment.

p,s[ I will try to update every week, but my goal is every two weeks at least till I edit like two more chapters then I will update every Friday or Saturday] 

Dedicate this chapter to......


~~ Thank you for earning First Place in Graphic Contests


^^^^^^^^^^^She edited my story for grammar issues, so go check her out. Although anything that is not corrected is my fault hehe. so check her out!


^^^^^ She made a cover for my story, since we have the same b-day :D

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