Chapter 22: Catching Up

Start from the beginning

She felt him stir behind her and released his hand as he stretched and balled it into a fist. She smiled as she felt him kiss the back of her neck.

"Morning beautiful," he mumbled, "Can you do that again, whatever you were doing to my hand..."

She laughed quietly and took his hand back, massaging his palm carefully. He felt incredibly relaxed, not knowing for sure if he'd ever be able to move again.

"Tell me, when did you start to feel differently about me?" she asked after a moment, her voice still heavy with sleep.

Seb had to think for a moment. He couldn't seem to pinpoint a particular moment, "I remember it pissed me off when Heikki picked you up at the pool. So maybe then or... Sometime before..."

Casey was surprised, "Really? That far back?"

He laughed sheepishly, suddenly remembering the bus ride in Malaysia, "I used to get jealous of Evan too."

She smirked, "Oh, yeah, he picked up on that pretty quickly."

She thought back to the club in China, where Evan had been suspiciously affectionate. She'd quickly discovered the ploy was to see if he could get a reaction out of Seb.

"I wanted what he had with you."

"You got more than you bargained for then."

"Not complaining," he laughed quietly against the back of her neck. "Though... I'll have to tell work soon. You ready for that?"

Casey's heart thumped uncomfortably, "What's going to happen to me?"

Seb frowned, not expecting that question, "Nothing is going to happen to you."

"I just wonder if I can keep my current job, I mean, maybe they won't want me near the car anymore," she replied worriedly.

"I don't think that will happen," he soothed, although in reality he was a little unsure himself.

Casey sighed before shaking her head, "It doesn't matter, I wouldn't change anything that's happened. Even if they decide to let me go."

Seb felt warm at her words. He didn't know how to tell her what that meant to him. Of course, there was a risk that she was sacrificing her job. He was selfish though, he wanted her even if it meant she'd disappear from his front left tyre. Even if she'd be devastated to lose her job.

"Unfortunately for you, I can be quite selfish," he admitted.

She laughed, snapping out of her worry. If there was anything worth losing her job over, it was him.

"Don't worry. Dream job, dream guy, who am I to expect both?"

Seb felt a little giddy, she always said the right things to make him happy.

She lifted his hand up to her lips and kissed the back of it.

"What do you have to do today?" she asked, hoping the answer wouldn't be too long.

"I have to lay beside a beautiful girl all day, maybe take her to dinner," he replied, nuzzling against her neck again.

Casey had a mini internal meltdown and rolled over to face him, "Are you serious? No appointments? No meetings?"

He pulled her into his chest, "Nope. Just you."


On the following Monday morning, Casey walked into the garage looking the epitome of guilty. She'd spent the entirety of her four days off holed up in the Hotel De Paris. They had barely stepped foot outside. To her huge excitement, Seb had ended up having all four days off as well. He was back to work this morning though. He'd dropped her at the track before leaving to meet his PR Manager, Britta, at their first interview of the day.

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