Part Five

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*Song starts*

Adele let out a blood-curdling scream as the two brothers stared in horror. 

     "What do we do now!!!" Darwin yelled into the walkie talkie, his voice cracking in fear

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     "What do we do now!!!" Darwin yelled into the walkie talkie, his voice cracking in fear. 
"Just try to find a place to hide and whatever you do, don't  let her possess you! Anais and I will be right there!" Carrie called back. She and Anais nodded and they quickly ran down the basement stairs, abandoning the video monitors.

     Gumball and Darwin ran quickly, trying to find a place to hide. Gumball then saw a pipe-line that was big enough for him and Darwin to fit through. "Quick, in here!" He said and the two boys quickly crawled inside, breathing heavily. They then heard footsteps walk towards the pipe and whimpered in fear. 

     "YoU'd beTteR cOmE oUT, yoU pUnks!" Adele's distorted voice echoed through the room

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     "YoU'd beTteR cOmE oUT, yoU pUnks!" Adele's distorted voice echoed through the room. Gumball began to hyperventilate and Darwin quickly put a hand over his mouth to keep him from making any noise. "Shhh!! You're gonna make her hear us!" He whispered as quietly as possible. "Well, what else am I supposed to do?!" Gumball yelled quietly while crossing his arms. "Plus, the last thing I'm pretty sure both of us want is for us to be possessed by some demon who looks like she was born in an insane asylum!" Gumball then heard a growl behind him and his tail twitched in fear. 

" just poked a bear, mate!" Darwin squeaked.

     The two boys yelled as Adele picked up the pipe telepathically and threw it on the floor with a loud bang. Gumball and Darwin tumbled out and quickly ran to the other side of the room. "Darwin! Gumball! Where are you?!" Called out a voice. Gumball gasped. "Anais!" He and Darwin ran towards the sound of the voice and sure enough, Carrie and Anais were at the base of the stairs.



"Darwin, are you hurt?"

  "No, just traumatized is all." 

Carrie hugged her boyfriend close. "We have to get out of here, now!" She yelled sternly. 

"Oh nO yOu dOn'T!" The quartet gasped and turned around. Adele slowly floated towards them, her black, unruly hair flowling. "I'M nOt FiNisHed witH yOu yeT!" She snarled. 
"Adele, please, just let it go!" Carrie yelled. "We understand that  you are mad, but it's been 144 years! " 

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