Part Six

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*Song at 2: 15*

     As Carrie teleported them into Gumball's room, Gumball placed Anais on the ground. "Quick! Give her CPR!!" Darwin exclaimed. Gumball made no hesitation and began to perform CPR, remembering what his gym coach had told him: 30 chest compressions and 2 mouth-to-mouth breaths. "C'mon, Anais. Please wake up!" He pleaded with tears in his eyes. Darwin held on to Carrie tightly...

     After a few more minutes of CPR, Gumball began to doubt she wasn't gonna make it. He began to breath heavily and knelt to the ground.

*Song skips to 6:13*

"It's too late Gumball." Gumball turned to Darwin as the young fish stuttered. "She's gone..." Gumball turned to Anais and picked up her body. He then placed it carefully on the bed.

*Song at 6:23*

      Darwin couldn't take it anymore. He pushed Gumball to the side and ran to the bed. He held his sister's body close to him and began to sob uncontrollably. She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't. What would Mr. Dad and Mrs. Mom think? Anais had so much to live for; she was only four, for goodness sake! He then felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up with tear-stained eyes. Gumball had tears streaming down his cheeks.

    "I'm so sorry, Darwin." Carrie said with sincerity in her voice. Darwin began to cry softly into Gumball's chest and Gumball rubbed his back comfortingly, gulping back a few sobs. 

*Song at 7:05*

     Carrie sniffed and hung her head. She then lifted her head up and gasped softly. Gumball and Darwin then looked up as Carrie summoned her spell book. Her eyes scanned the book until she found something. "This could work!" 

     "W-what?" Gumball asked, wiping a tear from his eye with the back of his paw. Carrie held up the book for the two siblings to see. 
"The book says this revival spell can work a few minutes after someone dies! All we need is water and to follow these instructions." She closed the book and looked at Darwin. "Darwin, you go get a glass of water from downstairs! Gumball and I will make the formula for the potion." Darwin nodded. With that, he sprinted down the stairs and to the kitchen. 

     "Okay, what do we need?" Gumball asked desperately as Darwin left. "First, we need an object that means a lot to her. " Gumball looked around hurriedly for anything that Anais truly loved. His eyes then set on her Daisy the Donkey doll in the corner of the room. "Of course! She loves Daisy!" He exclaimed. He ran to the corner and then picked it up. "Please forgive me, Anais..." He sighed as he held the doll close to him. 

     "Next," Carrie continued. "we need a bit of her fur." Gumball made his way to the bed and took a bit of the pink bunny's fur.  Carrie floated the two object telepathically and it mixed together in a purple dust. "Now all we have to do is mix this with the water and it'll be good to go." Gumball nodded and then turned his head as Darwin came back with a full glass of water. Carrie poured the dust into the water and began to stir it. 


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