Part Two

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     Snow slowly fell down from the sky above as the boys stood outside Carrie's mansion. The atmosphere seemed bleak, yet calming in a way, as if the world stood still for once. This made Gumball feel a little better as he and Darwin approached the front porch. They stood there for a moment, wondering what it was that Carrie wanted. Darwin was especially worried, as Carrie was his girlfriend. Was she hurt? Did she need comforting? Whatever it was, he'd be by her side in a heartbeat.

     "Okay, could you please knock on the front door? I'm starting to lose the feeling in my feet." Gumball said suddenly, interrupting the young fish from his thoughts. "What?" Darwin shook his head rapidly to rid his thoughts. "Oh, yeah!" He took a few steps towards the door, the floorboards creaking with each step he took. Darwin exhaled sharply and knocked on the door. He then stepped back, waiting for Carrie to answer. 

But there was no response.

     "Okay,-so-maybe-this-was-all-a-prank-and-she-really-didn't-need-to-talk-to-us-sooo....good one, Carrie! But-I-think-we'll-be-on-our-way-now-!" Gumball spoke rapidly. He turned to leave, but Darwin grabbed him by the sweater. 
"We can't leave!" he said, gritting his teeth. "That'd be rude! And besides," He let go of Gumball's shirt and crossed his arms. "I am not about to loose my girlfriend over some simple thing like impatience!"  

     "Dude! I can't wait any longer!" Gumball protested.  "Can't we just, you know, use the alternative method?" The two boys knew that calling a ghost's name 5 times would summon them at any time. They remembered using it while trying to free Carrie's father from a curse a year ago.

"Again, no! " Darwin yelled, his voice cracking. "Can't you just be patient for once?!" 

"Darwin, I've been standing here for so long, my legs have frozen in place."

     Darwin looked down and sure enough, Gumball's legs looked as frozen as a tub of ice cream that had been sitting in the freezer for too long. He sighed. Of course, he loved his brother, and he didn't want him to suffer from hypothermia. But at the same time he didn't want his reputation as a patient, loving boyfriend to be ruined. If Carrie saw that he was being impatient, she'd probably chew him out. Or even worse...possess him. And when you're possessed by a ghost who happens to be your girlfriend at the same time...oh, Darwin didn't even want to know what would happen. He shuddered at the thought. 

     Darwin turned back to his brother and sighed again. "Fine." He replied reluctantly. "But you know I'm gonna get in trouble for this..." He closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fists. 

"Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie!" 

     Immediately, a ghost in the form of a punk girl with white bangs appeared before the two brothers

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     Immediately, a ghost in the form of a punk girl with white bangs appeared before the two brothers. Darwin slowly looked up and swallowed bravely, ready for Carrie to give him a piece of her mind. 

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