"This is the second-year pin and this..." He sifts through the container a bit more, "is the conjurer's pin."

Felix mumbles a thank you as Minseok goes to put the boxes away on the shelves.

How do they expect me to take harder level classes when I don't understand the first thing about magic?

"Let's go," Minseok announces, once he is done putting away the box of clothing. The two exit the office, and head back into the hallways.

Minseok asks for Felix's schedule, debating whether he should take him around to his classes now, and then to his room or if he should take him to his room and have one of his roommates show him around. Having his roommates do the job, would give Felix a better chance at getting to know them, and hopefully make him feel more comfortable. However, he has met so many people and been handed off so many times, he might feel a little overwhelmed with having another stranger show him around.

The teacher ultimately decides to take him by the library first. The boy is going to need many textbooks and Minseok wants to make sure he gets the right ones. Then, he will take the boy by his dorm to drop off his stuff and meet his roommates, to which Felix can make the decision of who he wants to show him around the school.

The library is large, extremely large. Level after level, all lined with shelving, which are all filled to the brim with books. It would take a lifetime to stack every book in this room. A number of tables are placed in the center of the library, leaving enough room on the edges for all the books, and unfortunately for Felix, very little places to hide.

Minseok leads Felix over to the stairs and up two levels, walking along the cases until he finds what he is looking for. Felix stands by, admiring the coloring of the woods and the blues and purples of the decorations; it looks as though he is in a royal castle. Minseok hands Felix book after book, the orange-haired male not paying much attention, as his focus is much more on the surrounding environment than the weight being put on his arms.

"These are for the classes you'll be taking," Minseok explains, bringing Felix's attention to him, "I will grab the first-year classes' books and leave them in my office. Every day after your classes, you will come to my office and we will study together, with both the first-year coursework, as well as, the second-year coursework. You have a lot to be caught up on, so the longer we spend working on it, the better things will go."

The student nods, following the teacher once again as they descend down the stairs and out of the library. Minseok explains to the younger that they are going to stop by his dorm room. He also asks Felix if he would prefer to have him show him to his classes or one of his roommates. Felix only shrugs, but secretly is hoping that the teacher will be the one showing him around.

The dorms are luckily close by to the library and Felix doesn't have to suffer too long with the multiple and heavy textbooks in his arms. However along the way, the two pass by a couple of students that stop them to talk to the conjuration's teacher, some about homework, others only asking him how his weekend is going. Any other day, Felix would have been fine, but since his body is still feeling rather sore from last night, his arms are starting to feel like jelly carrying all of these books around, he'd like it if these students would hurry up there ridiculously slow question asking.

"Every room has four people in it," Minseok explains as the two finally begin walking again, "I wasn't given a key to your room, so I'm assuming one of them will have a spare and you can use that, but if not then head down to the office to get one."

Felix nods in response, the two males stopping in front of a door. Minseok brings a knuckle up and softly knocks, the two standing back slightly as they wait for an answer.

The door opens, revealing a blonde, curly haired man. He smiles at the teacher as he greets him, opening the door wide enough for him to enter. As Minseok walks in, Felix is put into view for the blonde, his smile dropping and eyes widening at the newcomer. Felix tries to ignore the blonde's stares and quickly follows Minseok into the room.

The two other boys in the room hop up from their beds both greeting the teacher. The curly-haired, blonde male walks around the two males and stands next to his other roommates, all of them curious as to why one of their teachers is standing right in front of them on a weekend.

"Mr. Kim, what can we help you with?" The blonde asks, still staring at the newcomer who is standing behind their teacher.

Minseok glances back at the boy, reaching over to place a hand on the younger's back and gently push him forward.

"This is Lee Felix, a new student, and your new roommate," he informs the boys.

The three didn't look irritated to be getting a new roommate, but they certainly didn't look thrilled. Until the tall one in the middles stepped forward with a smile, Felix was convinced his roommates already hated him without even knowing him.

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin it is nice to meet you." The taller has a smile that would make anyone's heart melt. The way his eye crinkle has his plump lips curve up, it's the softest smile Felix thinks he has ever seen.

The taller male gestures to the boy to the left of him, "this is Kim Sunwoo."

"And, this is Bang Chan," he says, pointing to the blonde on his right.

Felix gives a forced smile to the two other boys, waiting for someone else to speak, so he won't have to. Minseok tells Felix he can take him around the school now, and Felix is more than willing to leave and do that until Hyunjin steps in and offers to do it for him. The teacher looks to Felix, almost as if he's asking for his approval. Felix shrugs, which prompts Minseok to accept Hyunjin's offer and leave the four boys alone in their room.

Chan and Sunwoo, walk back to their own beds, leaving the other two males in the center of the room. Hyunjin offers to help Felix with his stuff, but before Felix can say anything, the taller is already taking the books out of his hand and setting it on a bottom bunk of a bed. Felix places the bag of clothes next to the books on the bed, which Hyunjin says is now his.


That Sunday night after Hyunjin had taken him around the school and shown him where his classes are, and after everyone has returned from dinner, which Felix chose not to go to, the orange-haired male lies in his bed, staring at the bottom of Hyunjin's mattress as the taller male sleeps peacefully. Felix feels slightly bad for being very closed off with the taller, especially since he went out of his way to take him around the school. He has been the nicest to him out of all of his roommates, Sunwoo doesn't really talk, and Chan openly glares at him. Hyunjin is the only one that makes Felix feel semi-comfortable in this room.

The time is unknown, but it is late and Felix isn't able to sleep. Hyunjin and Sunwoo are already passed out, while Chan is over at the desk on his and Sunwoo's side of the room, working. The light coming from that side of the room is slightly calming, and it helps keep Felix relaxed, though not enough to allow him to sleep. Felix shuts his eyes, breathing deeply to try to calm his mind, which is flooded with possible events that could happen tomorrow.

Pretending to be someone else isn't the problem, Felix had to do that all throughout his own schooling in his own world. However, this feels like he has much more on the line, and he feels as though everyone here can see right through him.

Just breathe; you only have to be here a little longer...


Word count: 2,190
-I just want to say thank you for those who are reading this, I hope you are enjoying it.

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