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Chapter One: Belle's point of veiw.

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I had always been different. I didn't know why it had been a problem, but it was. Pink was fascinated to an extreme concent, and everybody else just knew it was a part of me. I was born with it, I grew with it, and then I lived with it. It was me. Izzabelle Marie Fluffy Limbsky.

I ususally never use my first middle name; Marie. I think Fluffy discribes me better; it's how I feel everyday. I feel fluffy inside, chocolate and love do that to you sometimes. Everybody had always read my name wrong. They pronounce it.

Izzabell Mary Fluffy Limbaskiya. It is really ponounced, IZ-uh-bell-uh, Ma-ree, Fluffy, Lim-sky. Get it right and the fluffiness will continue.

I had always lived in the small town of Port Aransas, nesteled right in the coast of Texas. It was right in the middle, litterely the entire thing was covered in sand; a tourist beach. Tourists were horribly annoying, and the town was boring when you weren't just visting, but I loved my quaint little town. There were gift shops, a nice tiny school, a bunch of houses, and a big beach. The water could eat as much sand as it liked, but it would never disappear.

The city was very small, but as a small girl, it had always been big to me. I wouldn't get lost though. I could walk everywhere around my home, not house, and never not see my treehouse.

I lived in that treehouse with my family. People knew about us, where we lived, who we were. They knew our phone numbers, our school grades, our entire names. They knew our secrets, our crushes, our plans. We were popular. But we didn't have parents to give us cerfews, lessons, or anything parental. We had each other.

I had 4 birth siblings, used to be 5. In age order it would go:

My Older Sister, Violet Marie Spider Limbsky. 14. Just Violet. 1996-?

My Twin Brother, Ricardo Monro Direct Limbsky. 12. Just Rico. 1998-?

Me, Izzabelle Marie Fluffy Limbsky. 12. Just Belle. 1998-?

My Little Sister, Delila Marie Pink Limbsky. 11. Just Pink. 1999-?

Then there was Nikkalous Monroe Taco Limbsky. 7. Just Nikky. 2003-2010. My Fiance / Little brother. We were to intermarry. We wanted to stay with each other forever.

I had picked out the most perfect dress. Complimented my skin, my figure, my hair, my personality, my ability... He had had cancer all his life. Somedays it was better than others; he was normal. Others he was dreadfully sick; deathly afraid for me, how I would bear watching him suffer. I did bear it and I would try to heal him. One day, on my birthday, 14 days before the wedding, he was looking a bit better, but Violet wantedd him to stay in her hospital just to make sure.

Nikky told me to go out, have fun. I nodded and gave him a tiny kiss on the lips. Not a kiss kiss. Just a siblingly peck. Before I went through the door we both whispered to each other, "Be safe." We smiled and I left with Pink and my freind Zee, Rico's girlfreind. We were walking down the abandend railroad track; possitive that there was not a single route still hooked to the track. We were wrong. So deathly wrong.

We heard nothing, but we felt it. We had been pushing and shoving, joking around. Me, being clumsy, almost fell, causing Pink alarm. She was twice as clumsy as me and tripped while trying to save me. She was laid down entirely on the train track; only my head volnerable by a train. There was a light; a bright one at that.

We looked and saw it. The train. It crushed my skull, it crushed Pink completely. Zee had been taken by a vampire. We heard her screaming as he bit her neck, throwing her on the floor. She screamed and thrashed, "It Burnz!" Was all I heard before a loud Pink scream, and a phone dialing Violet, my sister, the miracle workind doctor...

When we all woke up not 1 hour later, Violet told us horrible things.

"Pink." She had begun, "You will be in a full body cast for a week. You heal quick, even for a Limbsky." She had smiled and then gave Zee a sheepish look. "Zee-Zee. You are a...vampire." Zee had smiled at that. She was obsessed with those creaters of the night. "Belle, you had a small concusion, but you are already healed." I smiled. "So I will be good for the wedding." I stated, not caring what she told me. The wedding would still be on. "No Belle." Violet whispered to me, anguish and pain taking over her face. She cryed, sobbing. "Belle..." She kept blubbering my name. After a long moment she told me the worst thing possible.

"Belle. Nikkalous is dead." I cried, never stopping. I demanded to see my dress. She shook her head. I demanded and demanded. Nobody even talked to me for 2 weeks. On the 14th day, we went to Nikky's funeral. I wore my wedding dress....

Everybody cried and told me I was beautiful. When they were to say their speaches, all of them said, "Belle, he loved you. I wasn't sure why he would marry his sister, but I give you my blessing." I cried at all of those. I would need those blessings, for when I saw Nikky-Bear again. On the other side...

Later on, when I stopped screaming and hurting myself, we all went on with life as though he never died. He was always with us; he never really did die...

Everybody went on treating me normally, not like I was broken. Not broken because of Nikkalous, but because of my power. My gift. My royal kingdom.

I, Izzabelle Marie Fluffy Limbsky, am princess of snakes, fire, and kingdom of Hades. I am Yin, the moon spirit.

My skin greens over, becoming rough, gaining pattern. My brown eyes become small slits on the side of my face, narrowing as I run. I run as light, wind, rain; Fast. But everybody treats me the same. They treat me as though I don't have the need, the desire, the pain...of wanting to slowly torchure them. To kill them. To drag them with me as I take my rule in the firey, bloody depths of the underworld. Of the dead....

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