<< V.D.>> ⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️

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Sawamura's POV

I hear my alarm blasting with the song You Suck At Love by Simple Plan

As I turn off my phone alarm, I stretch then get dress, I took my phone and grab my headphone then head out

I decided to jog, I know I should be in class but it's still 3:00, yeah pretty early but I don't care, when I scroll through my phone I put it inside my jean pocket and listen to the song, Attention by Charlie Puth is playing, I don't even know why I have it

Anyway I started jogging and jogging and jogging until 4:00 I decided to go back to my dorm

When I get back Kuramochi-Senpai is awake and alert as f^(k, He saw me and look at me accusingly

I knew where this is going

"So you're bi huh?" He ask with his eyebrow raised

"Yeah any problem with that?" I answer, not the smartest answer since he had me on a headlock that have me gasping for air

"Is that how you talk to your Senpai" he said

"Stop!, Sorry!, Sorry!" After a while he release me and I panted and intake air greedily

"Who is that girl anyway? Is she your girlfriend? I thought Your girlfriend is Wakana?, I thought you like Miyuki" he ask, when I heard the last part I can't help but feel a throb at my heart, so I lower my head so that he wouldn't see my face, by now my bangs are covering my face

"Heh, The girl? She's Haruka, she's my girlfriend, Wakana is just a friend, anyway Haruka and I met when I was having a trip on my way to Nagato, she's amazing, she's everything and anything I could ask for, I found out that we have so much in common, we started loosing up a bit and get to know each other more, I know it sounded ridiculous but I already like her even if we only know each other for a short amount of time, but then again, love has no time limit, we can't help who we fall inlove with, as for your last question, I do like him, I'm not interested in any other guy beside him, so I guess you could say that I'm gay for Miyuki?" As I said this, I said it with my head held high and a smile like an idiot but chuckle while shaking my head on the last statement that I said

Kuramochi-Senpai look at me for a while and said "Are you sure that It's not just attraction?, I mean she's pretty, cute and a good person after all"

That have me thinking for a while 'What I'm feeling for Haruka is just attraction?'

Smiling, I face him and said "Attraction? For Haruka? No!, For Miyuki?, Maybe"

He just shrug and said while looking at me directly at the eyes "I just don't want you to hurt the poor girl if whatever your feeling for Haruka is really just an attraction"

"I would never hurt Haruka, She's everything to me" I answered half heartedly

"Or are you just using her as a distraction from Miyuki?" He continued, now that got me thinking, I can't answer him, he stares at me, daring me, challenging me, waiting for me to answer him, but I couldn't

He shrug and said "Whatever just don't hurt her Ok?" And left, but not before giving me a look

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling blankly, Kuramochi-Senpai's words were still lingering in my head, distracting me, swimming in my head, drowning me in an endless pit of questions where no one can ever give an answer to but myself and where no one can save me from this thoughts that's eating me alive

5:00, realizing the time, I quickly dress up and made my way to the class, pretty early right?, but I want to clear my mind and maybe think for a moment

When I got there, I go directly at the schools rooftop and lean there for a while and stare at the appearing figures of my fellow classmates and schoolmates

'I'm only feeling an attraction for Haruka?'

'Am I?'

'No stop thinking about that Eijun!, You like her!'

'No!, don't say that you like her!'

'Am I really that mean?'

'Can I do that to her?'

'Do I really love her?'

'Why am I even questioning if I love her or not?'

"*sigh* Why does everything have to be complicated?" I mumbled

"What's bothering you Ei-kun?" An all too familiar voice ask behind me

Quickly turning around, I saw the most beautiful thing that I ever laid my eyes on


With our school uniform.....um.... For the girls of course, She look so beautiful, I would like to see her more, she makes me remember why I love her

"Nothing, I'm just thinking of something" I replied, still can't take my eyes off her

"About?...." She ask while tilting her head to the side making her too adorable that I just want to kiss her, right here, right now

And so I did, I kiss her too passionate to the point were, my plan of just a peck became a full make out session

Tounges are involved, eyes are close, my hands on her waist, pulling her closer, her hands are in front of her gripping my shirt, making me smirk on our kiss


We stop and turn around to see who dare interrupt us

There stood, with mouth agape and wide eyes, Haruichi and a staring Furuya, with a questioning look

Haruka blush and hide her face on my chest making me laugh and shake my head while laughing

"What do you want?" I ask Haruichi and Furuya

After their shock has subside, Haruichi said "It's almost time and we go looking for you to ask how are you but it looks like your fine and you look like your enjoying yourself"

I laugh, I laugh so hard I ended up leaning against the railing on the school

'Man, Haruichi can be a real b!t(h sometimes'

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