Peaceful Dream, Harsh Reality

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Sasuke hears a sweet, gentle giggle beside him. He slowly opens his dark eyes and looks to the side of him to see where the soft giggle came from. Beside him was a beautiful girl. She had long pale baby pink hair that reaches down to her waist and was draped over her bare shoulder. She was laying down beside him on her side, propped up by her elbow. Sasuke stares at her with hollow eyes.

Who... was she again?

As Sasuke stares at the girl beside him, propped up on her elbow, he takes note of her piercing green eyes.

Those eyes...

They seemed to haunt him. And her lips. Tinted a soft pink color. They seemed to be calling him- No! Screaming for his own lips to gently press against hers. To fill in the empty space in between them.

The girl had her head resting on her hand, looking up at Sasuke like an innocent young girl in awe of Sasuke. Sasuke was surprised she was even bold enough to look him in the eyes head on. Not many people are brave enough to even look up from the ground whenever Sasuke is around them. They were afraid of his eyes that possessed the sharingan. But she was staring at Sasuke without any fear in her eyes, just like he was staring back at her.

He needed to ask her who she was...


He couldn't find his voice.

The girl has the softest smile playing on her lips as she continues to stare boldly back at Sasuke. Her small smile looked as if she knew something that Sasuke didn't and she couldn't wait to tell him the secret that only she knew. Blinking, Sasuke watches her closely as she giggles softly again, then lays her head down on his bare chest without telling him of this secret she knew and Sasuke didn't. And Sasuke couldn't help, but notice that the girl only had on the white sheet from the bed covering her smooth pale body. He was only covered by the white sheet as well.

Does he know her?

Sasuke finds it hard to catch his breath that seems to have fled far away from him. He hasn't ever had someone this close to him before. Or has he? He can't seem to remember...

As the quiet girl lays on his chest, Sasuke is surrounded by the smell of vanilla. Without thinking, Sasuke gently places his hand on top of the girl's head and strokes her head and hair in his large hand. Her hair that was tumbling down Sasuke's chest and her neck, felt softer than silk under his large, rough hand. 

This felt...right.

To have this strange girl in Sasuke's bed. To have her laying next to him. To have her staring at him. To have her giggling...

It all felt...right. 

As Sasuke is laying there, for once feeling content where he was, he noticed his surroundings. His room wasn't dark and dreary like it always was. It was bright. Light seemed to be all around him and this girl. The room wasn't cold and damp, but warm as if the sun was shining in his room lighting everything up so brightly that he could only really see white around them.

What is this...?

Sasuke feels the girl on top of his chest stir a bit. She takes in a deep breath, then exhales slowly. He looks down at her with his dark eyes. He couldn't tell what the content of her sighing had meant...

She rolls over onto her stomach and places her hand flat on Sasuke's chest and rests her chin on the back of her hand to get a better look at Sasuke. Sasuke locks onto her bright green eyes with his dark ones.

Those eyes...

He opens his mouth to ask her something, but he can't remember what he was going to say. Instead the girl giggles again, closes her eyes and smiles a warm smile that shakes Sasuke to the core.

That smile seems...familiar...

Who was she...? 


Sasuke reaches his arm to the right side of him that was next to the wall.


There was nothing and no one there next to him.


He was alone, just like he has always been. Sasuke faces toward the wall and stares with numb eyes into the darkness at the empty space in his bed. That's right. There used to be someone beside him...

But not anymore, she was gone.


Taken just like everyone else Sasuke has ever loved in his life. His family and friends taken away from him by his evil older brother, Itachi. And now she had been taken by that dope, Naruto. If Naruto had just stopped looking for Sasuke, she would have never been caught in the middle of the fight. 

Sasuke locks his jaw at the thought of Naruto. That hot-headed idiot got too worked up when he saw Sasuke. Naruto tried to fight Sasuke in order to bring Sasuke back to the village, but instead Naruto's attack missed Sasuke and ended up hitting her. And even killing her...

If only Naruto hadn't had missed Sasuke...

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door breaking the deadly silence that filled the still air in the dark room and that seemed to almost swallow Sasuke whole. Sasuke rolls his dead eyes over in order to see the door. 

"Sasuke? It's me, Karin...'' she calls through the door.

Thank god, Sasuke placed a seal on the door. He didn't want to be disturb. But if only he could also block out the noise from the outside world...

"We are worried about you. You haven't come out of your room for at least two weeks.''

Had it only been two weeks since she was taken away from him? It felt longer...

Much, much longer.

Karin continued to talk through the door to Sasuke, but Sasuke stopped listening. His ears filled up with the same loud roaring sound that would come to him randomly throughout the day. No matter how hard he tried, the roaring in his ears would never seem to stop. So he had finally decided that he would let it be. Even if it would drown Sasuke in the dull roar for hours on end. Sasuke rolls back over to face the wall again. Then he grips the white sheet of his bed and pulls it over his head like a child. He just wanted to sleep.

The Untold Love Story Part 2: The Haunting (Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now