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Bucky really didn't want to be there.

To be fair, he was slightly more relaxed. Finals were over. Graduation was in a week. He sipped on his beer and looked around the crowded party.

He didn't know why he expected her to be there. Why would she be?

He'd quit his job a few weeks earlier. Lost all motivation for it. It had no more joy for him now that she'd stopped coming. He'd seen her around campus. Classes. She looked beautiful as always.

He'd seen her in the company of some other man, too. He shouldn't be jealous. She didn't even know he existed, so it shouldn't have mattered. But he wished he could take it back, let her know who he was.

"Gonna brood all night?," Steve teased him and handed over a bottle of beer. "You look miserable, Buck. School's finished. We're practically outta here. What's got you so hung up?"

Bucky rolled his eyes. Steve hadn't heard a word, and Bucky had eventually stopped venting to him. It was useless. Steve was a good friend, but he had a bad habit of being hung up on his own life. And Bucky didn't need that.

He sipped his beer slowly and walked away. Steve has already draped his arm around some brunette and Bucky wasn't in the mood to watch. He pushed his way through the crowd, finding the empty patio. It was quiet, and that's exactly what he needed.

Tristen was bored already and she'd barely arrived. Still tired from finals, she would have preferred to stay home, sleep for the next week. She watched Els flirt with Steve and she sighed heavily, seeking out the bartender.

She needed a damn drink.

There were too many people and it made her anxiety fly through the roof. She tried to make her way through the sweaty, drunk bodies and find some place quiet. Some place empty. Seeing the open patio door, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah, sorry...," she said softly, seeing Bucky standing against the wall. His leg was propped up, lighting a cigarette. "Thought it was empty." His heart stopped, seeing her standing there. He tucked the lighter into his tight black jeans and picked his beer back up from the ground.

"You're good," he told her, barely able to meet her eyes. How could he? She made her way a bit closer, watching him. "It's...Bucky, right?," she asked and he nodded, chewing his bottom lip. "I'm Tristen," she said and he nodded again. "Yeah...,"

She leaned against the wall beside him, swirling the drink in her cup around. An uncomfortable silence hung over them, but something was drawing her toward him. "So...," she said, an attempt to break the silence, "Bucky. That like a nickname?," she asked, mentally cursing herself.

Was that really the best she could do? She was terrible at this.

He swallowed, nodding once more. Now or never, he thought to himself. "Yeah. My real name is James...," he said quietly and met her eyes. He watched them widen a fraction. He felt the palpable tension. How would she react?

"J-James...," she whispered, unable to tear her eyes away from him face. She was speechless, in shock. Of all the people, he was the last one she ever expected. "Yeah, Angel...," he said and her heart was pounding in her ears.

She stood, completely frozen. "I hope you can understand why I couldn't tell you," he said, trying to gauge her reaction. Her expression was unreadable. "I, fuck. I was terrified. Terrified you'd hate me if you knew the truth. I used my job as an excuse, but the truth was...,"

"I was falling hard, Tristen."

She didn't think she could feel more stunned. She couldn't feel her legs at that point. Here he was, standing in front of her. "You can hate me," he said, "I'd completely understand. Damn, I'd deserve it. But I can't lie to you."

She couldn't move, she could barely think and it made Bucky that much more nervous. What was going on inside her head? "If you walk away, I'll get it. I don't even deserve to have you standing here. But I meant what I said. I was falling. And I wanted to tell you so many times."

"Wanted you to take the mask off. To see me. To know how I truly felt. I gave it up, Tristen. The job. I lost all motivation for it when you stopped coming. I didn't enjoy it. You were the reason I stayed. It was more than...what it was, at least for me."

She nodded a bit. She understood that. She tried to find her words, but they wouldn't come. Emotions overwhelmed her and she leaned forward, kissing him. Softly at first, testing the waters, but it quickly became heated. His hands traced up her sides. She touched him everywhere her hands would reach. He pulled back briefly, panting hard.

"Fuck, I've wanted to do that for so long."

She hummed in agreement, pulling his lips back to hers. She needed to be closer, to have more. It wasn't enough. Months and months of never having it all, she wanted it now. Right then, right there.

"Angel...," he panted, holding her hips. "Tell me that you need me. God, I need to hear it," he whispered, his lips pressed against her neck. She nodded furiously, sliding her hands under his shirt. His heated skin turned her on even more.

"I need you, James. Please. I can't wait."

Bucky didn't care. He was focused on one thing. Her. He backed her up toward a bench, turning them so that he pulled her into his lap. She rolled her hips over his half-hard cock and moaned. She couldn't keep her hands and lips off of him.

"Sweetheart...," he panted, pushing her skirt up over her hips. "You're driving me crazy. Gi-give me a second," he pleaded, trying to unbutton his jeans between her grinding against him. She huffed impatiently, but let him. Pulling himself from his boxers, he pushed her panties aside.

He couldn't wait.

She was everything he knew she would be. Wet, warm. Moaning softly, her hands braced on his shoulders as he thrust up into her. He knew he wouldn't last this time, he'd wanted her for so long. It was passionate, heated.

Absolutely needy.

He buried his face in her neck, whispered to her. Telling her how good she felt, how he'd wanted her. "I won't last, baby...," he panted, "you feel so good. So wet for me, Angel. God, I need to feel you cum. Can you? Can you shatter for me, Angel?"

She nodded, squeezing her eyes shut. She was already close. He was hitting her spot over and over, so perfectly. She could barely breathe. "Oh James...," she whined, that heat building up. She'd explode, she knew it. "Cum," he whispered against her neck.

"Oh sweet girl. Cum for me."

That was it. Her legs shook as the dam broke. A filthy moan fell from her lips, followed by his name and he bucked up into her, his hips stuttering. He bit down on her shoulder, a loud groan from the back of his throat as he finally, finally filled her.

"Jesus, Angel," he swore, his breathing ragged. She'd collapsed against him, her soft breaths tickling his neck. "Absolutely perfect, baby," he whispered, "you are so absolutely perfect. I love you, Tris. I love you." She lifted her head, kissing his lips softly.

"I love you, too."

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